Come Back Later, I’m Busy Scrapbooking!

Productivity is a huge area of focus for many organizations. And rightfully so, if your workers aren’t being productive, chances are your organization isn’t doing so great! We get it. Not all jobs are as glamorous as we’d want them to be, and sometimes taking a break helps us get productive. But sometimes workers take […]

Want Productive Employees? Ban E-mail Communication to Start

Look at your e-mail in-box. How many e-mails do you have sitting there, right now, unread? Most likely a bunch, as e-mail communication proves to be one of the fastest ways coworkers can communicate, besides picking up the phone and making a call. But what happens if your company just decides to ban all e-mail […]

If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say … Definitely Don’t Tweet It!

The old adage—“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”—definitely rings true for social media, as it would in the real world. However, why is it that people still haven’t grasped this concept? With more and more employers screening social media, you would think current and prospective employees would be […]

Bereavement Leave Has Gone to the Dogs

Losing a loved one is never easy, and most companies allow its employees to take time off to grieve. But what happens when it’s an employee’s pet that passes away? Do you tell employees to suck it up and come to work, or do you tell them to take a personal day? According to CBS […]

‘Paw-ternity’ Leave: The Next Trend in Employee Benefits?

Employers everywhere are looking for new ways to attract and retain talent. While companies like Facebook and Apple® are offering to freeze its female employees’ eggs as a way to recruit more diverse talent, other companies are jumping on the crazy train and offering even weirder workplace perks. According to the Mirror, a new trend […]

New Teambuilding Program Helps Coworkers ‘Bond’

Teambuilding exercises, if done right, can help bring your employees closer together; creating a more unified front! And for all you James Bond fans, a new program has caught the attention of Fortune 500 companies with its unique approach. The program helps companies train and motivate their employees through a series of Secret Agent spy […]