Tag: interviews

Data Hygiene and the Future of Recruiting

It’s no secret—recent hiring surges have led to a more competitive job market. And, as a result, recruiters and hiring managers are now operating within what is referred to as a “candidate-driven market.” This means high-quality candidates can be selective about which interviews they take and, ultimately, which company they work for.


RecruitCon 2018 Recap: Outlook on the 2025 Workplace (Part 2)

In yesterday’s article, I discussed Susan Vitale’s RecruitCon 2018 session on the Outlook on the 2025 Workplace: How to Attract the Next Generation of Talent by Effectively Recruiting Millennials and Gen Z. In this article, I’ll focus on the consumer mindset to the recruiting process and how you can ensure your candidates get a good experience.

Keeping Hiring Fresh: From Group Interviews to Informal Events

In yesterday’s Advisor, we noted that interviews can sometimes be a bottleneck in the hiring process. We started an outline of some alternatives to either bypass or improve the in-person interview. Let’s take a look at a few more options here:


In-Person Interview: What Else Can You Do?

Sometimes it may seem as though the hiring process takes longer than it should. And this can be a real problem when the job candidates have the upper hand—anything that prolongs the process means there is a greater chance your ideal candidate will have another offer by the time you’re ready to proceed.

Creating Career Paths

Job candidates want to know about career paths. Is your company prepared for this conversation?

How Can AI Benefit HR Management?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is popping up frequently in HR-related literature as holding the potential to offer big benefits for many types of organizations and roles, including human resource management. A TLNT article offers four specific applications.