Tag: Learning and Development


Learning and Development in Fast-Changing Times

Employees have always had the need for ongoing learning and development, and organizations have always taken steps to provide them with the tools and training needed to get their jobs done. But, in an environment of increasing complexity, globalization, and rapidly emerging technology, the need for ongoing education and development has likely never been higher—or […]


How to Use Chatbots for Learning and Development

In the new year and beyond, you’ll start to see chatbots being used for more and more things across various industries. And once you’ve read “3 Reasons Why L&D and HR Pros Should Use Chatbots,” you’ll want to start using them right away. But how? Keep reading for more information.  

7 Common Mistakes in Leadership Development Training

It’s no secret that Millennials recently surpassed Generation X to become the single largest cohort in the American Workforce. Which means that younger adults will be continuing to move into positions of leadership and management.


Strategies for Implementing Just-in-Time Learning

Learning doesn’t have to, and shouldn’t, stop once someone graduates from a formal educational program. In fact, some of the most effective organizations are those that are able to promote continuous learning.


Can Flex Work and Training Opportunities Help End Gender Inequality?

Did you know that companies that offer flexible work and training opportunities have four times as many female CEOs as companies that don’t?1 Research also indicates that companies that offer flexible work and training opportunities are better at retaining talent and allowing female employees to be productive and successful and to flourish.2

New Rules of Talent Management Part 3

Human resource professionals have long bemoaned their inability to focus on strategic aspects that impact their organizations, as they are burdened by the necessity to perform a wide array of administrative-type functions. Fortunately, that’s changing—and rapidly—as the environment is changing. The industry is actually quite dynamic.

What Is a CLO and Does Your Organization Need One?

A CLO is a Chief Learning Officer and is often referred to as a Training Director, Head of Learning and Development, or something similar. Over 90% of CLOs have 10 years or more of corporate experience. They’re predominantly found in larger organizations, and also in the following industries:

A Brief Guide: Video Games and Learning and Development in the Workplace (Part 2)

[Part 1 of this article appeared in yesterday’s Advisor.] Elements Workplace Video Games Should Have (continued) Challenging levels that require work—Don’t simply have your learners follow an avatar around, but have them complete tasks that require them to think and use their reasoning skills via their avatar. Place them in unexpected situations that require them […]

A Brief Guide: Video Games and Workplace L&D (Part 1)

The gamification market is anticipated to reach $11.1 billion by 2020. And according to Pew Research, 53% of 1,021 technology stakeholders claimed that gamification would be widely used by 2020, especially in the workplace. Video games are particularly becoming more and more popular in the workplace, as many industries adopt gamification strategies and techniques. But […]