Tag: London

Career Karma Caught Up with This Rude Commuter!

Have you ever wondered why good things happen to bad people? I know I have. It’s not something I’m particularly proud of, but I must admit that sometimes I scratch my head and wonder how someone with questionable character or who demonstrates unethical behavior seemingly ends up on top.

Career Karma Caught Up with This Rude Commuter!

Have you ever wondered why good things happen to bad people? I know I have. It’s not something I’m particularly proud of, but I must admit that sometimes I scratch my head and wonder how someone with questionable character or who demonstrates unethical behavior seemingly ends up on top.

Employment Law Tip: The Risks of Business Travel Abroad

In light of current events, including the unrest in the Middle East and the recent terrorist plot uncovered in London, it’s wise to take a close look at what you can do to ensure the safe passage of employees who are required to travel abroad as part of their jobs. Here are three tips: Check […]