You’re Going to Ban Political Discussion? (Good Luck …)

In a BusinessWeek article, Bruce Weinstein, PhD., who calls himself “The Ethics Guy,” says that most political issues are by their nature highly divisive. At stake in this year’s presidential election, he adds, are such questions as these, all guaranteed to have the potential for controversy: Should abortion continue to be legal? Should same-sex marriage […]

Who Are Your Hi-Pos? Ten Key Characteristics

Identifying Key Positions and Skills A critical step in the process is to specifically identify the key positions that will be targeted in the succession plan. This usually includes management-level positions. It may also include highly specialized jobs that are essential to the company’s ability to meet current or future goals. Once the positions are […]

How to Spot People Who Can’t Sell

Here are five classic sales weaknesses to be on the lookout for, says Anderson, who is president of the Selling Skills Institute, and developer of the proprietary Shift Thinking Selling Methodology. Weakness #1—Unsupportive Buying Habits People tend to have buy cycles, and those of your candidates are an important indicator. People with short buy cycles […]

Key Comp Issues: Alignment, Compression, and Risk

[Go here for questions 1 and 2] 3. What is the Alignment of Incumbents Within Their Pay Grades? Perform the following analyses, suggests Carroll: All positions in the organization compared to the midpoint (market) Positions within each pay grade compared to the midpoint (market) Analysis of incumbents within each pay grade compared to the midpoint […]

Hurricanes, Tornados, and Wildfires: Who Gets Paid When You Close?

If a company opens two hours late because of a snowstorm, should an employer pay employees who show up earlier because they didn’t hear the announcement? What time does the workday end when employees are given the option to go home because an incident such as a gas leak forces evacuation of the building? What […]

The Five Grand Myths of Essential Functions

It’s time to review those job descriptions again! And as always, the focus is on the essential functions decision. We’ve collected five myths of essential functions to help you with this updating task. So before you start, take a look at our five myths—and then, dive in. The Five Myths of Essential Functions We’ve identified […]

Retaliation by Compensation—Battleground for Comp Managers

“Retaliation lawsuits are among the easiest to prevent,” says attorney Jody Katz Pritikin, but retaliation is a common reaction by managers who are embarrassed or angered by an employee complaint, and that means managers have to be on the watch for it. Pritikin, who offered her tips at SHRM’s Employment Law and Legislative Conference, held […]

EEOC’s Five Factors for Establishing RFOA

[Go here for Considerations 1 and 2.] Consideration #3—Employer Limited Supervisor’s Discretion This considers the extent to which the employer limited supervisors’ discretion to assess employees subjectively, particularly where the criteria that the supervisors were asked to evaluate are known to be subject to negative age-based stereotypes. EEOC recognizes that in many cases to it […]