Tag: Paula Santonocito

Get Out of Your Recruiting Rut

Another year is almost in the books, with another on the horizon. If your response is “ho hum,” it’s time to shake things up. Recruiting is a dynamic field, with tremendous opportunity for improvement.

Encourage Job Candidates to Ask Questions

A job interview often concludes with the interviewer asking, “Do you have any questions?” The job candidate then has an opportunity to ask about anything that wasn’t covered or to get clarification about something that was said. At least that’s the idea behind the format.

When a Candidate Is Nervous

If you’ve been interviewing job candidates for a while, you’ve probably come across a nervous candidate. A case of the interview jitters runs the gamut, from the person who can barely speak to the person who can’t stop talking. Other signs of nervousness include fidgeting, sweating, the shakes, and clumsy behavior.

Candidate Screening, Yankees Style

Most job candidate searches happen behind the scenes, and behind closed doors. But the New York Yankees have been conducting a highly public search for a new manager. Could corporate America borrow a page from the team’s talent acquisition playbook?

Partnering with Hiring Managers

As the time for New Year’s resolutions approaches, how about including one that will make your job easier? Why not take the initiative to partner with hiring managers?