Tag: PDF

Vacation, Leave, and Time Off—Who’s Offering What?

Please participate in our brief survey and see how what you are doing stacks up against what other successful companies are doing. We’ll get answers to these questions and more: What kind of paid leaves are offered? PTO or separate vacation and sick leave? How much time off for what length of service? Is donating […]

Court Says ‘Failure to Equally Train’ Is Actionable

The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals— which covers Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee— recently reaffirmed that failure to train an employee can be an actionable form of discrimination. Click on the “yesterday’s Advisor” link in the first paragraph to read about the facts in this case. Courts’ decisions The trial court dismissed all of Charles […]

Variable Pay—What’s Working? What’s Not?

Please participate in our brief survey and see how what you are doing stacks up against what other successful companies are doing. We’ll get answers to these questions and more: Who’s providing what incentive pay types for which employee groups? How effective is each type of variable pay at motivating employees? What are the three […]

Train New Supervisors on These 5 Rules

New supervisors and managers try to do the best job they can, but their good intentions often backfire. Instead, they lay the groundwork for expensive lawsuits. The solution is training, training, and more training, but where do you start? New supervisors are overwhelmed by their new responsibilities. They have to forge new relationships with people […]

HR Policies—What’s Happening in the Real World?

Please participate in our brief survey, and see how what you are doing stacks up against what other successful companies are doing. We’ll get answers to these questions and more: Who develops policies? Who has final approval of policies? How often are policies updated? Do you have a policy on social media background checks? What […]

Performance Appraisals—What’s Really Happening?

Please participate in our brief survey and see how what you are doing stacks up against what other successful companies are doing. We’ll get answers to these questions and more: How often are appraisals conducted? What specific characteristics/abilities/behaviors do you measure? If you use software, which software program do you use? How is your performance […]

Training Programs—What’s Happening in the Real World?

Please participate in our brief survey and see how what you are doing for training stacks up against what other successful companies are doing. We’ll get answers to these questions and more: How often do your employees receive training? What kind of training is conducted? What specific topics is training offered on? What are the […]