Tag: policy


Balancing the Free-Speech Rights of Employees and Employers

Everywhere you turn in 2018, people are talking about politics. That includes your workplace. Since President Donald Trump’s election in November 2016, it seems like you can’t escape the constant drumbeat of other people’s political messages. With so much political talk in the air, what can an employer do to ensure that its employees’ speech […]


Are Leave-Sharing Plans a Good Idea?

Q. We have employees who accrue paid time off (PTO) each pay period. A number of them don’t use all their PTO and would like to donate some of it to coworkers who have exhausted their own PTO. Does that violate any federal or state laws? Are there any special exceptions or issues we need […]

Why Having No Remote Work Policy Isn’t a Great Idea

In yesterday’s Advisor we spoke with Upwork’s Zoe Harte, Senior Vice President of HR and Talent Innovation about the increasing trend towards remote workers. Today we’ll look at the rest of that interview, as well as an infographic of their survey results.


Recent 7th Circuit Case Highlights Best Practices for Accommodating Disabilities

Reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can be a difficult area for employers to navigate. A recent case from the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals—which covers Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin—provides a helpful example of how you should clearly spell out job requirements and qualifications so you can better respond to potential […]

Stay Interviews: An Underutilized Tool for Reducing Turnover, Increasing Engagement

There is a saying in the outplacement business after any reduction in force that managers should “re-recruit” their employees by reminding them how valuable they are. Companies are particularly vulnerable at that time because employee turnover usually spikes. A tool to help re-recruit employees is the stay interview.  Stay interviews are conversations with employees about […]


Only 5% of Office Romances are Disclosed to HR, Finds New Survey

While some may feel that office romance is a taboo topic, 41% of employees have engaged in intimate coworker relationships, according to a new survey, released by Namely. The survey also uncovered that less than 5% of employees who engaged in an office romance confided in HR—even if company policy required formal disclosure.


Strategic HR: Writing a Strong Termination Letter

Writing a termination letter can be a daunting task when you realize that so much can rise or fall on what it says. A few straightforward strategies can help you prepare a termination letter that provides all the benefits and helps you manage the risks that accompany all termination decisions.