Tag: retention

Be a ‘Soul’-ful Company

In yesterday’s Advisor, the latest in research along with tips on talent acquisition from consultant Josh Bersin; today, Bersin’s thoughts on engagement, the benefits of corporate “soul,” and The Simply Irresistible Organization®.

Recruitment and Retention—What’s Really Happening for 2015?

As we head into 2015, the scope of recruiting and retention is constantly shifting, and we’d like to know a little bit more about how it’s being handled out there. What’s happening on this front with your organization in the real world? What are your competitors up to? Help us find out!

Win-win: Eldercare support helps employees, employers alike

No matter how devoted to the job employees may be, their lives extend beyond the workplace. And an increasing number of employees are finding that their non-work responsibilities include eldercare.  The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in September 2013 that 39.6 million people were providing unpaid eldercare in 2011-2012. Many of those caregivers were […]

Make Metrics Meaningful to Management

Metrics let people make decisions based on objective information rather than simply guessing or going by instinct. Metrics also let people know what is important to the organization, since a metric that is tracked will be analyzed. HR metrics have historically often focused on the past. For example, HR metrics often include things like turnover […]

Compensation Audits: Align Philosophy with Strategy

Why Do an Audit? For the same reason we do financial audits—to fulfill a fundamental obligation, that is, to discover vulnerability. Remember, says Kleinman, who is principal of California-based Dan Kleinman Consulting, someone is always watching, internal and external, and they are evaluating what is going on. Five Reasons for a Compensation Audit There are […]

Engagement? Retention? Train and Talk

[ go here for the first three T’s] Training Training is a reward. Top people want to keep their skills up and you need them to believe that the organization cares about keeping employee skills up to date. Development is both a management responsibility and an employee reward. What If We Train and They Leave? […]

The 5 T’s of Recognition and Retention

“Voluntarily Give Their Discretionary Effort” Some employees do just enough not to get fired; that’s not going to do it for you, says Katz. You want employees to “voluntarily give their discretionary effort.” Katz, who is with Penguin Human Resource Consulting, LLC, offered his tips in a recent BLR-sponsored webinar. The Unlimited Rewards Budget Who […]