2016 SHRM Conference Hot Topics

The Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) will be holding the largest HR conference in North America next week. SHRM 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition in D.C. will be covering the hottest HR topics of 2016. BLR is on top of these topics in publications like the one you receive daily. We’ve taken a look […]

Visualization—A Key to Inspirational Leadership

In today’s multigenerational workforce, it’s constantly a challenge to train, motivate, and lead your organization’s employees. Visualization and imagery can help, however, as shown in today’s article by Chris Ainsworth, head of talent and organizational development for TD Bank®.

Same Sex Marriage Benefits Not So Simple

It’s been over 2 years since the U.S. Supreme Court effectively legalized same-sex marriage in the case of U.S. v. Windsor and a year since the Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, required states to issue marriage licenses for same-sex marriages and to recognize a same-sex marriage performed in another state. So, everything is resolved, right?

A. Lincoln: Relax, Replenish, Go to the Field

By Catherine Moreton Gray, JD Senior Managing Editor President Abraham Lincoln appointed the best and brightest to his Cabinet, individuals who were also some of his greatest political rivals. He demonstrated his leadership by pulling this group together into a unique team that represented the greatest minds of his time, according to historian Doris Kearns […]


7 Social Recruiting Strategies

By: Rebecca Barnes-Hogg, SPHR, SHRM-SCP YOLO Insights® The war for talent is real and the competition for skilled people is fierce. Traditional recruiting methods take too much time and are no longer cost effective. The “post and hope” strategy doesn’t work in our social world. Recruiters have to be proactive and engage with candidates long […]

Are Workers from an Agency Your Employees?

What about workers from a staffing agency? The staffing company, the client employer, or both may be the legal employer, says attorney Deanna Brinkerhoff. It depends on the workers’ duties, their work conditions, and the contractual basis on who controls what on the worksite. Brinkerhoff, an associate in the Las Vegas office of law firm […]

7 Must-Have Features for Your Millennial Recruiting Video

In yesterday’s Advisor we explored what Ryan Jenkins, known speaker and author, had to say about making a recruiting video really pop for Millennials. Today we’ll hear more from Jenkins. by Ryan Jenkins Check out yesterday’s Advisor to read the first 10 tips he has to offer when it comes to making a recruiting video […]

Crucial Information for a Successful Millennial Recruiting Video

Are you putting together a recruiting video geared toward Millennials? Today we hear from Ryan Jenkins, internationally recognized speaker and author, with tips for making that video something that Millennials will actually enjoy. Finding talent for your organization is an ongoing process. It’s even more so today because the average work tenure of a Millennial […]