
HR Professionals Must Advocate for 21st Century Policies, SHRM Says

Human resources (HR) professionals must develop a cohesive voice to advocate for policies that work in the 21st-century workplace, the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) CEO told attendees during a March 13 presentation.


Republican ACA Proposal Poses Challenges for Multistate Employers

A group of republican senators proposed a replacement bill for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that would allow states to choose whether or not to keep Obamacare’s provisions in place. Because employers’ requirements would depend on where employees work, compliance could be a real challenge for companies with operations in multiple states, according to the […]

9 HR Tactics for Less Workplace Complexity

by Lisa Bodell, CEO of futurethink A recent Boston Consulting Group survey of global organizations found that procedures, vertical layers, interface structures, coordination bodies, and approvals have increased by as much as 350 percent in the past 15 years. To battle workplace complexity, HR can’t afford to view simplification as a one-off project: it must become […]

Infographic: Political Volatility in the Workplace Rises as Election Day Approaches

The workplace is not immune from the rising volume of rhetoric from the presidential campaign. After a May survey from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that political volatility was affecting some workplaces, SHRM repeated survey questions in October to determine whether Campaign 2016 was continuing to have an impact. “As we approach […]

California Leads the Way on Paid Family Leave

It may not be a huge surprise for California HR professionals, but recent research from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) shows that employers in California are ahead of the national average when it comes to paid family leave policies. Much of this trend is driven by state and local laws.

Why ‘Talent Scouts’ Trump Traditional Employee-Referral Programs

As you know, employee-referral programs (ERPs) tend to be one of the most effective recruiting strategies available to organizations—chiefly because they expand the applicant pool, identify candidates with precisely the right skills and values, and potentially reduce recruiting costs.

How to Present When You’re Not in the Room

Modern communications technology combined with organizations that have multiple locations have made remote presentations commonplace. Have you ever had to present training materials to an audience that isn’t physically in the same room as you? It can be a challenge. Here are strategies for success from Brad Karsh, CEO and founder of JB Training Solutions.