Tag: Silicon Valley

6 Reasons Silicon Valley’s Return-to-Work Policies Are Harming Employees

Over in Silicon Valley, the world of work is changing. This time, however, it’s not changing in a groundbreaking way, as you might expect.  Instead, many companies are looking backward in their remote working policies to before the pandemic. Although they publicly embraced flexible working over the past few chaotic years, almost on a whim, […]


Businesses Must See Remote Work as a Permanent Solution, Not a Survival Strategy

Businesses have spent most of this year focused on training, installing, and otherwise improving their remote work capabilities. But being functionally capable of working remotely is just the first phase of what promises to be a worldwide revolution deemphasizing offices and placing more importance on productivity. As millions of workers prepare for the new normal […]


Work-from-Home Fails

The COVID-19 situation has left us all scrambling to maintain our professional lives as much as possible. We’re coming up with alternate work situations: social distancing when we must be at work, working from home when we can, and stretching our resources and creativity when we must.

Perhaps Silicon Valley’s Pied Piper Could Use Good Employment Counsel

I am currently bingeing my way through HBO’s Silicon Valley after not having watched the show for several years (I’ve always found it entertaining enough, but life, you know?). The series chronicles the experiences of a small group of California techies who found a start-up company called Pied Piper.

Should You Hold a Candidate’s Former Employer Against Them?

We hear a lot about negative online employer reviews, especially from an employer-brand standpoint, and how these reviews can hurt your chances at attracting top talent. But what about the jobseekers who come from employers recovering from a prominent scandal? Should recruiters discount them because of where they previously worked?

Trump Signals Potential Place for Skilled Foreign Workers

President Donald Trump has turned much of traditional American politics on its head, and many of his policies have put some traditional Republican allies in a tough position. While these traditional allies may support some of the president’s policies, they cringe at others. Case in point: the business community.


Trump Signals Potential Place for Skilled Foreign Workers

President Donald Trump has turned much of traditional American politics on its head, and many of his policies have put some traditional Republican allies in a tough position. While these traditional allies may support some of the president’s policies, they cringe at others. Case in point: the business community.

Want Better Glassdoor Reviews? Improve Your Company Culture

Online job boards, like Glassdoor, are a great way for companies to check out what employees have to say about the culture, pay, and overall experience of working at that specific company. However, a recent Wall Street Journal (WSJ) investigation showed that companies were manipulating employee reviews in the hopes of attracting top talent.


Are All Your Employees Speaking the Same Language?

Technology skills are becoming more important than ever in all industries—no matter what type of business or organization you work for, everyone is trying to be more like the leading tech companies of Silicon Valley. However, even though the values, ethos, and culture of tech start-ups have become more influential than ever before, many employers, […]