Tag: Training Today

How Do You Evaluate E-Learning When You’re Not Even There?

During training, you need to monitor the e-learning process to ensure employees are progressing on schedule. Once training has been completed, you need to evaluate the effectiveness of your e-learning programs. Because you are not present while training is taking place—as you are with traditional forms of training—monitoring and evaluating e-learning can be a bit […]

Get Your Employees’ Attention with a Training ‘Reality Show’

“Brendan” worked for a chemical company for 30 years before he was injured. A mechanic, Brendan was hurt when he and another employee tried to replace three broken drive belts on a blending blower. Three fingers on Brendan’s right hand were injured when they were pinched between the drive belt and a pulley. The incident […]

More Tips for Evaluating Training Sessions

Evaluation of classroom training also involves evaluating your own performance as a trainer and assessing the effectiveness of your training methods and presentation. Here’s how to get training evaluations during and after your training sessions: Use a survey. One of the most common ways to do this is to ask trainees for feedback, using some […]

Do You Embed Evaluation into Training Sessions?

Evaluations—both of employee learning and of the effectiveness of the training—are an important part of the learning process. So important, in fact, that they can’t be left to the very end. Unfortunately, many people think of evaluation as something that comes only at the end of training—but evaluation should really be built into the session […]

Online Learning Can Revolutionize Your Safety Training

Online safety training is a dream come true for safety trainers. It provides consistent and up-to-date information, flexibility, evaluation, and systematic documentation—all at a very affordable price. There are many advantages to using this type of self-paced training, including that online training: Allows you to present the same content, in exactly the same way, to […]

Is Your Training Award-Winning?

Johns Manville of McPherson, Kansas, which produces fiberglass insulation materials, was honored by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for its commitment to safety. In 2007 Johns Manville earned membership in OSHA’s prestigious “star” Voluntary Protection Program (VPP). The star designation is the highest level in the program. “Johns Manville has exhibited excellence in […]

Diversity Training Exercise 2: True or False?

Before having trainees take the following True-False quiz, inform participants that although there are no specific laws or regulations that require workplace diversity, diversity is at least in part about equal opportunity, and provisions of the following federal fair employment laws should be kept in mind: Age Discrimination in Employment Act Americans with Disabilities Act […]

Diversity Training Exercise: Can This Comment Lead to Legal Trouble?

Figures from the most recent census show that minorities account for almost a third of the U.S. workforce, 10% of workers are age 55 or over, and almost half the workforce are women. In the future, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that minorities will approach 50% of the American workforce, and the number […]

3 More Lead-Manager Rules

A consultant whose opinion we respect—Bill Lee of Lee Resources, at BillLeeOnline.com—recommends a book he thinks is the best manager-improvement product he’s come across. It is The Control Theory Manager, by William Glasser, M.D. (HarperBusiness, 1994), and it’s short enough to be covered in an hour-long training session. The author contrasts what he calls “boss-management,” […]

Do Your Managers Need Some Refresher Training?

Your managers are the keys to your employees’ productivity and engagement. How well are they doing? A consultant whose opinion we respect—Bill Lee of Lee Resources, at BillLeeOnline.com—recommends a book he thinks is the best manager-improvement product he’s come across. It is The Control Theory Manager, by William Glasser, M.D. (HarperBusiness, 1994), and it’s short […]