Tag: Training

Employee Engagement—Avoid These 3 Fatal Flaws

Engagement—it’s the key to employee growth and development. Moreover, engagement drives results, right? It’s not that easy, says Vice President of Training Nicole Price of Cy Wakeman, Inc. Personal accountability must be a part of the engagement equation. Price offered her tips at the 2014 Advanced Employment Issues Symposium (AEIS)—register now to attend this year’s […]

Aspiring Leaders Should Take Untraditional Paths, Become ‘Learning-Agile’

Individuals who want to increase their effectiveness at work and aspire to become leaders should consider taking a higher-risk, higher-reward path. Instead of moving surely and safely up the career ladder, they should cultivate “learning agility,” a quality related to being more extroverted, more focused, more original, more resilient, less accommodating, and—ultimately—more successful.

Cloud-Based Onboarding: Training Gone Tech!

Companies of all sizes are using cloud-based technology to augment their onboarding efforts and, as a result, they are making the process more engaging, fun, and effective, says Karl Mehta, CEO of EdCast, a personal learning network. “Everything is moving to the cloud.”

Due Diligence: Lawsuit Armor

In yesterday’s Advisor we looked at a few examples of recent wins for employers in the courts concerning federal discrimination lawsuits. Today, we present another example. Regardless of the type of claim that comes your way, having good documentation and following the rules can usually protect you, as it did in these cases.

Due Diligence for the Win, Literally

We constantly hear about cases where employers are found to be in violation of federal regulations and are summarily fined and, often, successfully sued. Today, we’ll look at when claims against employers don’t hold up in court and what you can learn from them.