Tag: United States

Employers Worldwide Report Positive Hiring Outlook

Hiring prospects are looking up for job seekers around the world in the fourth quarter of 2017. There are no negative employment outlooks reported for the first time since 2009, according to latest Employment Outlook Survey from ManpowerGroup, a leading global workforce solutions company.

Companies Pledge to Support Dreamers

On September 5, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the Trump administration would end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which protects approximately 780,000 undocumented immigrants, known as dreamers, from deportation.


Small Businesses Conduct Credit and Financial Background Checks

More than one-fourth of small/medium business owners and managers perform credit or financial background checks on job applicants, according to a new survey conducted by the National Financial Educators Council (NFEC), a provider of financial educational resources.

Diversity of Thought

Are you drawn to job candidates who remind you … of yourself? While people often seek like-minded individuals as friends, the workplace should not reflect this kind of preference.

How Bad Is Your Company’s Website?

Although “bad” has become slang for “good,” here it means “not good.” In fact, for the purpose of this article, “bad” means “truly awful,” as in, why even bother.

Barriers to Acquiring Tech Talent

Employers have long had difficulty acquiring information technology workers, as candidates are in demand, regardless of the job market. New research provides insight into IT hiring challenges and tips to help overcome them.


The Cons of Required Drug Testing

Yesterday we looked at the pros of required drug testing at your organization. Today we’ll look at the cons.

Hiring Refugees

They are fleeing war, genocide, and other horror. They come to the United States from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Syria, Burma (Myanmar), Iraq, Somalia, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and other countries. All must meet strict standards for admission.


U.S. Workplaces are Physically and Emotionally Demanding, New Study Finds

The American workplace is physically and emotionally taxing, with workers frequently facing unstable work schedules, unpleasant and potentially hazardous working conditions, and an often hostile social environment, according to a new study that probes working conditions in the United States.

Where MBAs Want to Work

Newly minted MBAs are increasingly looking beyond Wall Street for career opportunities.