Tag: wages

State Minimum Wage Increases for 2017 (Map)

Minimum wage increases will affect numerous states across the country in January 2017. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the current federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, but the FLSA does not supersede any state or local laws that are more favorable to employees. Therefore, if a state has a minimum wage that […]

New York

NYC Park Rangers May Be Owed Pay for Donning and Doffing, Says U.S. Appeals Court

by Angelo D. Catalano, Coughlin & Gerhart, LLP The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a broad federal law that establishes the federal minimum wage, overtime pay requirements, and a plethora of other compensation-related standards. The Act provides guidance on what is and is not compensable work time. One of the questions that continues to […]

New Survey Uncovers the Key to Retaining Top Talent

Does your organization suffer from high turnover? Are you constantly looking for ways to retain talent? A new survey, conducted by Paychex, may offer more insight into ways employers can keep their current workforce happy, engaged, and most importantly—keep them around! The Paychex survey report, “Employee Retention: What Makes Employees Stay or Leave,” focuses on […]

Ask the Expert: Are Airline Carriers Exempt from New Overtime Regs?

Question: We are an airline carrier covered under Title II of the Railway Labor Act. Are all of our employees exempt from FLSA? Or only certain employees performing non-exempt work? We have several exempt employees well below the $47,476 threshold set to take effect December 1. Do we have to pay them according to the […]

FLSA: Do Tipped Workers Have a Minimum Wage Claim?

by Steven L. Brenneman Employers with workers who earn tips have long struggled with adhering to special rules for tipped employees, especially when those employees may also perform duties that don’t produce tips. A recent decision by the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals—which covers Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin—provides some much needed clarity and comfort […]