Month: May 2013

Business groups applaud ruling against NLRB poster

Probusiness groups are cheering a new ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit that represents another blow to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The appeals court, which issued another ruling against the NLRB in January, ruled on May 7 that the Board exceeded its authority in its effort […]

Expert’s Secrets of Social Media Candidate Sourcing

Just for example, says Dingee, do an advanced search on LinkedIn, say, for an HR manager near ZIP 06475 in banking. Here’s the search: Dingee’s tips came at the Advanced Employment Issues Symposium in Las Vegas. (Info on this years’ symposium here. ) Here are some of the results: Dingee recommends paying for enhanced service […]

Applicants for Trip to Mars in for Dead-End Job?

According to BBC News, Mars One, a Dutch organization, is seeking adventurous applicants to work on a trip to the Red Planet. Those who apply must be “resilient, adaptable, resourceful, and work well within a team” One hitch—the trip is one way! Applicants must pass a rigorous physical and mental selection process—think The Right Stuff. […]

How Can Learning Opportunities Improve Customer Service?

As Empathica, Inc. ( looked for ways to make its core product more mobile, its software developers went out to talk to clients in their restaurants and retail stores. “We sent small, collaborative teams into the field to see how people wanted to use this,” says Gary Edwards, executive vice president of Client Services. ‘Walk […]

Can You Forbid Discussions of Salary and Pay?

Much as most employers would like to impose a ban on discussion of pay—not to suggest that there are embarrassing inequities in your pay structure—it’s not legal because the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) says it interferes with Section 7 rights.

Stress assessed: How are your employees holding up?

Today’s workplace is facing a classic good news-bad news scenario. It’s good news that hiring shows signs of picking up. But if recent surveys are any indication, that good news hasn’t made much of a dent in the bad news – that more workers than ever are experiencing rising stress levels. The 2013 Work Stress […]

FLSA Compliance: Dispelling the Great Myths

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a tricky statute that creates a landmine for unwary employers, says attorney Ted Boehm, and it’s made worse by a number of misconceptions and myths commonly believed by employers. For example, says Boehm, there’s the misconception that employers may provide “comp time” in lieu of overtime compensation. For […]

Performance Appraisals 2013–What’s Happening in the Real World?

Please participate in our brief survey and see how what you are doing stacks up against what other successful companies are doing. We’ll get answers to these questions and more: What do your performance appraisals measure? Which employee groups receive what types of appraisals? Do you use performance management software? If so, what software really […]

Typical Platitudes Aren’t Enough for Your Compensation Strategy

You need something more than platitudes to get and retain the people you want, says Csizmar, who is founder and principal of CMC Compensation Group. What Are We Talking About? When we talk strategy, we’re talking about “a plan, method, or series of maneuvers for obtaining a specific goal or result.” It’s a guideline or […]