
Whole-Person Management Training

[To briefly recap yesterday’s issue: Dr. Martin advises managers to learn how to see employees as whole people by seeing their input and not just their output, and by acknowledging that everyone is multidimensional. Today, he offers more ways to manage the whole employee.]

Look at the Big Picture, Not Just the Day-To-Day Details

The average full-time employee works 2,080 hours per year … at the office. That does not include time the employee puts in at night and on the weekends. With all of today’s technological innovations, more and more people are connected to work 24/7, even while on vacation. As the separation between work and life becomes narrowed—what many people are referring to as a “blur” of roles—a person’s ability to focus intently on any one role becomes more difficult, resulting in errors and burnout.

In many organizations the managers set the expectation for this blur because they are not looking at the big picture of what the organization accomplishes; rather, they are focusing on the day-to-day stressors, the errors, the requests for time off, or the employee’s lunch hour that was really an hour and a half. By keeping your eye on the day-to-day details, you’re missing the big picture of what your people really contribute. In essence, you’re adding undue stress on everyone—including yourself.

Of course, details are important, but it is also vital to take a step back and look at the big picture so you can see your employees as people and not as parts of a machine to be fixed.

You know your managers could do a better job if they were trained—and now BLR® offers you an easy and affordable way to get that done—with our TrainingToday® 24/7 online Leadership Library. Get more information.

Take Management to a ‘Whole’ New Level

When you put the “human” element back into human resources management, you’re acknowledging the needs of the employees so they can perform better. When employees feel recognized as more than just a number on a monthly report, they tend to give you more discretionary effort or what’s called “citizenship behavior,” where they’re supportive of other employees and of the organization as a whole.

As an added benefit, when employees are more supportive of their managers, the manager’s workload becomes less stressful, too. Ultimately, the sooner you recognize all the drivers and drainers that impact people and then manage them, the sooner you will be able to create a high-performing team.

Dr. Marty Martin, known for his state-of-the art content presented in an engaging, dynamic fashion, has been speaking and training nationally and internationally for many years. His second book, Taming Disruptive Behavior, was published by The American College of Physician Executives (ACPE) in late 2013. He is currently working on his third book, Do You Have Career Insurance? Dr.Marty Martin, PsyD, is the Director of the Health Sector Management MBA Concentration and Associate Professor in the College of Commerce at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois. For more information to obtain a free chapter of Do You Have Career Insurance? please visit www.drmartymartin.com .

Worried about ever getting your managers and supervisors trained to be effective leaders? It isn’t easy to fit it in—schedulewise or budgetwise—but now there’s BLR’s Leadership Library for Managers and Supervisors. Train all your people, at their convenience, 24/7, for one standard fee. Get more information.

Need More Leadership Training?

BLR® has just what you need: A helpful solution called TrainingToday®.

This turnkey service requires no setup, no course development time, no software to install, and no new hardware. Your employees can self-register, and training can be taken anytime (24/7), anywhere, with nothing but a PC and an Internet connection. Courses take only about 30 minutes to complete.

Just as important, TrainingToday® automatically documents training. As trainees sign on, their identifications are automatically registered. When the program is completed, the trainee’s score is entered. So, when you want to see who has or hasn’t yet trained on any subject or you want to look at the across-the-board activity of any one employee, it’s all there, instantly available to you, your boss, an inspector—even a plaintiff’s attorney.

These are all motivational, actionable programs—for both employees and supervisors—in such key areas as sexual harassment, the FMLA, diversity, communication, USERRA, recruiting, and many more. The courses are kept up to date to reflect federal and state regulatory changes, and what’s more, we continually add new programs.

The Leadership Library for Managers and Supervisors, for example, provides you with a sensible (and economic) solution.

The Leadership Library for Managers and Supervisors allows you to:

  • Train on demand. Employees can complete training anytime from anywhere. All they need are a computer and an Internet connection.
  • Reinforce training topics with engaging graphics and quizzes to test their knowledge.
  • Monitor and track the results of your training program with the built-in recordkeeping tool.
  • Save costs. The more you train, the more cost-effective the training becomes.

The Leadership Library for Managers and Supervisors is a Web-based training tool that can be utilized by any organization. All you need are a computer and Internet access—the library is available 24/7.
Start Your Free Trial Today!

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