By Karen Hsu, Badgeville
There is an engagement crisis in the workplace, and it has profound implications for company performance and staff retention. A recent Mercer report revealed that about a third of surveyed workers consider their current position a job, not a career. More tellingly, about three-quarters of surveyed employees report that they would stay at their present company if their career path were more clearly defined.
HR teams are aware of the employee engagement gap and are seeking new strategies to close it. They understand that to improve employee performance and generate better results across the organization, they’ll have to increase engagement. As the Mercer study shows, engaged employees deliver a superior customer experience, which improves profitability and builds brand equity.
But what is the best strategy to improve staff commitment? Increasingly, employers are turning to gamification to close the engagement gap. Gartner Research estimated that gamification will soon become the operational improvement strategy of choice for 40% of global 1000 companies. With the right gamification solution, HR teams can generate the data they need to measure progress, refine strategies, and drive improvements.