
How to Identify a Leader in the Recruitment Process (Part 1)

The biggest mistake that recruiters make when hiring is focusing on the individual and the individual’s experience as the primary means of determining the right candidate.


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According to our research, the key to successfully hiring candidates who will be able to lead, and quickly and positively affect the organization, lies in the “Team Motivation Cluster” matrix.
To understand the scope and impact of the Team Motivation Cluster, let me ask you a question:
Do you behave differently in different environments?
Are you different when you are with your friends than you are with your family or with your colleagues at work? Each environment brings out different facets of who you are; this means your performance in one team can greatly differ from your performance in another team!
Through our research, we have seen a high performer placed in a high-performing team, and within a week, the entire team underperforms. And an average performer placed in an average-performing team yields a super-performing team!
The good news is that Team Performance is predictable. And recruiting the right people to take on leadership rolls is easy once you know the formula.
The formula applies only two elements of a person’s psychology, and no, one is NOT personality.
  1. The primary emotional drivers that affect why we do anything
  2. How our brain genetically gets clarity and the action sequences for each

Here is an excerpt from my latest book “Architects of Extraordinary Culture5 Secrets Hidden in the Ancient Pyramids” to illustrate how emotional drive can determine a leader in a group:

Who we are in a group is largely determined by the combination of our primary motivators and the primary motivators of the people in the group.  Which means if we understand how each set of motivators affects other sets of motivators in a group … We can predict how to create perfect teams that support each other while being super effective …and we don’t even need magic. But I must warn you, knowing this may have strong economic implications since it will affect the fortune teller industry.

Let’s look at study that a company named DCI will do in the future. DCI is the company of the guy who wrote this book, so it must be super cool!

The study was done, because some organizations would be hiring top performers and putting them together, finding that many times, the performers who were great in a previous team or by themselves, became underperformers in a new team.

The attitude of each high performer was observed to change across different teams.

So Why Do High Achievers and High Performers Fail?

According to this study, with 60 different teams across multiple industries, performance and eventual attitude of team members is directly related to Emotional Drive Mix that each team member has.

The attitudes and power of teams come from the emotional recipe of the team members and the natural leaders who rise from these recipes.

The power to lead well, or just having good leadership, is NOT always about leadership skills. Leaders emerge from a team or group by virtue of the group itself. According to Arthur Carmazzi, the guy who wrote this book, these leaders are called, “Axis Leaders.”

Axis Leaders naturally emerge from a group because they connect the team through unifying and connecting emotional drive. But not every group can produce an Axis Leader. Some teams are like a cocktail of wine and goat piss, there is no way, no matter how you dress it up, that they will ever work well together.

Also, an Axis Leader in one group, may not be the Axis Leader in another with a different combination of emotional drivers among its team members.

“But what about the teams who have an appointed Team Leader?” Asked Tep Tep [the main character in the book: Architects of Extraordinary Culture].

Many teams have a “defined” leader with the official leadership title and they often become moderators or go-betweens in dysfunctional teams and waste a lot of time. If however, the team has a good mix and there is an Axis Leader who is not the official leader, the leadership will have an advantage if they collaborate with the Axis leader. Of course, this requires leaders without over active egos.

Since people in a group bring out different characteristics, attitudes, and even competencies in an individual. What do you think happens when the gods of ancient Egypt come together?

The book continues with the characteristics of the gods of ancient Egypt (relating to people you may know) and how behavior changes as they “mix” with other gods of Egypt (other people you may know)—some creating great teams and others creating disasters.
So, knowing candidates without knowing the teams they will be in would be like adding nutmeg to chicken because it’s good in a latté. Know your candidate, and know the team your candidate will go into. Know the emotional drive mix, and you will know if your candidate will be a great leader or a total flop when indoctrinated.
But emotional drive mix is only half of what it takes to identify leaders and develop leadership in a new candidate. It is equally important to know HOW your candidate’s brain gets clarity—what is his or her “ambiguity relief” process, and how does that match with communication, process, and synergy? To be continued in part two.

World top 10 leadership and organizational culture thought leader, Arthur Carmazzi is a founder of education methodology applied at the Kingsley Leadership Academy. A school that focuses on allowing students to understand their own unique learning process. Arthur faced the challenge of dyslexia and ADHD and failed in his first 3 leadership positions. Through failure and perseverance, Arthur Carmazzi has become a successful entrepreneur and an expert on Psychological applications to Leadership and Organisational Culture Enhancement and Development. His unique game-based processes to leadership and corporate culture have revolutionized engagement, productivity and effective behavior modification in the workplace. Learn more about Kingsley here: www.kingsleyleadership.academy.

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