
Improving Your Business Writing Skills as an HR Manager

Written communication is essential in all business roles, but they’re particularly important for HR managers. As an HR manager, you often represent your company, and so it is vital that your written communication is up to scratch and ready to wow people both internally and externally.


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Good Written Communication in Business Is Essential

People increasingly rely upon e-mails and messaging services rather than face-to-face conversations or talking on the phone. A business’s success is often built upon its ability to keep up with the modern world. It’s usually the job of an HR manager to write job applications, manage the needs of employees, and ensure that everyone is in line with the business’s goals and ethical standards.

“Making sure your writing skills are up to scratch is going to be one of the best ways to improve your job performance, your business’s reputation, and the quality of your employees,” says Christopher Kirt, Managing Editor at Last Minute Writing and Researchpapersuk.

Save Time for Everyone

Improving your written communication will help to save time and make life easier for you and other employees. When communications are written in an unclear manner, misunderstandings can often occur, which elongate any process and can cause grievances between staff members. You need to be able to clearly and effectively put across your points to all members of staff and any potential new employees.

Keeping it concise is also a necessity. No one wants to read an essay that could have been a sentence or two. Time is also key—everyone is busy with lots of tasks to perform, so keeping it concise will save time and confusion for everyone involved.

Just make sure when you are trimming down copy that you don’t trim down anything critical to legal compliance.

Use the Tools Available to You

There are many tools that are available online that can help you to improve your writing skills. Many of these tools and resources are free and will help to give you advice on what you’re writing. The first thing to do is to make sure you understand the type of writing that is required. After all, an e-mail or SMS will be different from an HR handbook.

William Logan, author at Draftbeyond and Writinity, says:

There’s no harm in getting a second opinion on those important documents. Before you send them out company-wide get someone to check them over. If you can recognize that grammar isn’t your greatest strength, it will save you no end of time and embarrassment if someone can check over the document for you. Ask them to make comments and suggested edits so that you know how to improve your writing in the future.

Make Long Documents Readable

Longer documents can sometimes be a bore, but they are a necessity. If you’re struggling to get other staff members to engage with your writing, it might be time to examine it for improvements. Could it be shorter? Would an image or diagram better explain it? Would bullet points make it more concise and easier to read? Use the available tools to your advantage. Evaluating your writing and understanding where you’re going wrong are the best ways to improve. Making a longer document easier and more interesting to read will not only earn you brownie points with your boss but will also undoubtedly make your fellow employees happier, too.

Understanding Objective and Audience

The key to improving your writing is to understand your objective and your target audience. The subject matter and audience will define your writing. Are you writing to your boss, a potential job candidate, or another employee? Is the writing formal or informal? Is the subject matter serious, sensitive, or casual? You will need to consider what type of language is appropriate for each situation, as well as the format. Once you are certain on these points, you will be able to put together writing that fits the situation.

Martina Sanchez is an entrepreneur and Content Marketing Specialist at Lucky Assignments and Gum Essays. She is absorbed with article writing and is a constant contributor to her blog, where she touches such topics as digital marketing, SEO tips and  tricks, etc.

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