
Now Google Everything, Including Jobs

After months of speculation and anticipation, Google for Jobs has launched. And it’s pretty much like it sounds. Oh, and by the way, it changes everything.

New York

Is Needle-Phobic Pharmacist Eligible for a Reasonable Accommodation?

The 2nd Circuit—which covers Connecticut, New York, and Vermont—recently heard claims that a pharmacy violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) when it fired a pharmacist, whose fear of needles prevented him from administering immunizations. Did the pharmacist have a claim for disability discrimination?


115% Increase in Telecommuting since 2005, Says Report

The 2017 State of Telecommuting in the U.S. Employee Workforce report has been released by FlexJobs and Global Workplace Analytics. This report is the most up-to-date and comprehensive data analysis available on the state of telecommuting in the United States, and includes recent trends.  Among the report’s significant findings: the number of people telecommuting in the […]


How to Lose a Job Candidate in Three Interviews

A colleague recently interviewed for a position with a company known as a leader in its industry. Her experience serves as a wake-up call for employers that overlook the connection between communication and culture, and offers a reminder to all about interview style.