

Disability Discrimination: Terminated Cancer Survivor’s ADA Claim Fails, Part 2

As you’ll recall in part one of this article, “Willow” a cancer survivor with long-lasting side effects, was terminated from her position at Medtronic. Medtronic cited poor performance, among other reasons, in its decision to terminate Willow. After a district court ruled in Medtronic’s favor, Willow appealed to the 8th Circuit.

Happy workers

How Employee Happiness Increases Client Retention

Organizations are always looking for ways to retain their client base; after all, they are one of the main drivers of profit and business growth. While many businesses hold tight to traditional customer relations practices, many overlook the secret weapon right under their own roof – their current employees. This idea is simple but powerful: By keeping employees happy, business leaders can keep their client base happy.

If ICE Comes Knocking: I-9 Audits and Travel Implications

By Kate McGovern Tornone In yesterday’s Advisor, BLR® Editor Kate McGovern Tornone covered some of the training employers must consider for front-facing employees should U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) pay a visit to the worksite. Today Tornone discusses I-9s and travel implications.


Predicting success is hard

by Dan Oswald How good are you at picking winners? If you’re one of the 70 million Americans who filled out a bracket for the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, you probably have a sense of how hard it is to predict success. You think you’ve done your homework. You do your research, looking at win-loss […]

Will & Grace reunited

Ever since the cast of Will & Grace reunited for a mini episode encouraging all of us to vote in 2016, the Internet has been in a frenzy about the possibility of a revival 18 years after the show first aired. In January, the news broke that NBC has ordered a 10-episode limited revival series […]

office design

Could the Design of Your Office Space Be Impacting Employee Productivity?

When starting a business, there are a lot of things to take into consideration. However, how much consideration is taken for the overall design of the company office space? A new survey shows that employers may want to consider overhauling their office space; it may produce happier, more productive employees, and, in turn, increase the […]


Company Culture’s Impact on Constructive Performance Measurement

Human Resource (HR) professionals are often put in situations where they are required to balance the needs and wants of employees as well as those of the overall company. While the needs of a company are important, employees are the key reason as to why companies are successful, which means their ability to deliver results while being happy in their role is the ultimate goal.