
Infographic: How Can You Prevent Workplace Violence

Workplace violence is the second leading cause of occupational fatalities in the United States. Are you doing your part to keep your workers safe? Check out the infographic to learn who’s at risk for workplace violence and how to prevent incidents at your company. Read more.

4 Merger and Acquisition Communication Tips to Boost Shareholder Value

By Sherry Scott, Gagen MacDonald Surprisingly, many M&A deals fail to achieve their anticipated results—in fact, various studies indicate more than half of deals actually destroy shareholder value. Why? More than 60% of realized deal value comes from “soft factors” like strategic alignment, organizational integration, and low employee resistance. You heard that right: great M&As […]

Incentives Help Employees Improve Health, Save Money (Infographic)

Results of 3-year study by Cigna show that what workers don’t know about correctable health conditions—they have—may not only affect their lives, but their bank accounts as well. Higher weight, high cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar raise both health costs and out-of-pocket health expenses, says the study. The solution? Health improvement programs and incentive strategies help […]

A Communication Framework for Change Agents: How to Win Hearts and Minds Faster

By Deidre Paknad, CEO and cofounder of Workboard While organizations thrive on change, people often don’t. We don’t all embrace change at the same rate or pace (and a few even reject it outright). How new ideas are communicated can hinder or accelerate adoption. If you’re an innovator, it’s tempting to think that conveying your […]

Infographic: The Anatomy of a Great Leader

What makes a great leader? While there are many components, there are certain characteristics one must have when taking the leadership role. BookPal—an Irvine-based e-commerce company that sells books in bulk to corporations, school districts, nonprofits, and government agencies—outlines key characteristics that all leaders should exhibit in its latest infographic, “The Anatomy of a Great […]

Few Firms Prepared for Business Challenges, Says Survey

By investing in the right mix of technology and talent, global companies can turn business and market challenges—called “disruptors”—into competitive differentiation, according to a survey of more than 600 global senior executives by KPMG LLP, the U.S. audit, tax, and advisory firm. Results from the survey, “Succeed in Constant Change,” indicate top-performing companies are able […]

Infographic—How important are Perks in the Workplace?

Employee perks are nothing new. Great company perks can even be the deciding factor for a lot of candidates when choosing a place to work. Some workplace perks are fairly common, like a casual dress code, but there are other perks that really go above and beyond standard offerings. However, are those outrageous perks really […]

Infographic: Are You Subject to Penalties under ACA’s ‘Play Or Pay’ Provision?

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), “applicable large employers” must decide whether they will “play” by providing affordable, adequate health care coverage to their employees or “pay” penalties instead. This infographic helps you determine whether you are an applicable large employer and whether you will be subject to either of the penalties. Click here to […]

2016 Minimum Wage Change Map: What State Laws Are Changing?

By Susan E. Prince, JD Minimum wage increases will affect numerous states across the country in January 2016. Our new map shows the states that are increasing their minimum wages, including the new rate and amount of the increase. Click here to read more.

Stress a Top Factor for Employee Absenteeism

The impact of stressed employees on the organization is a major human capital issue. According to the Towers Watson 2013/2014 Staying@Work™ survey, 78% of employers identify stress as the top risk factor for their workforce, leading to lost productivity due to unplanned absence. “Leading-edge thinking in human resources dictates: Take care of your employees and […]