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4 Reasons Why Your Employees’ Assessments Should Be on Mobile

Whether they’re completing self-assessments, personality assessments, learning and development (L&D) assessments, performance assessments, or some other type of assessment, employees should be encouraged and able to complete their assessments online and via mobile devices. Here are four main reasons why.

Counter Offer Counterpoint—Employee vs. Employer

In yesterday’s Advisor, consultant Chuck Csizmar pointed out pros and cons of counter offers; today, the employer’s and employee’s concerns, plus an introduction to the all-HR-in-one site, The Employer’s Concerns There are a number of concerns that management has when contemplating counteroffers: Lack of privacy—transparency. Privacy is generally not an option—the work will get […]

Got a toxic employee? Hiring a superstar may not be the solution

Employers are generally willing, even eager, to invest time, energy, and money into bringing on a superstar employee. They’re confident the payoff that comes from hiring a star will make the effort worth it. But what if the employer also has a toxic employee? Will a strong hire counteract the damage? A recent Harvard Business […]

Why HR and Communication Departments Need to Work Together to Create an Engaged Workforce

By Jeff Corbin, CEO and Founder, theEMPLOYEEapp In Fortune’s most recent 100 Best Companies to Work For list, it was determined that one of the most significant trends among the companies making the cut was a superior culture that each company creates for its employees. Given what we know about the current state of employees […]


Problem or No Problem: Candidate Issues to Reconsider

With a tight job market, many employers are finding it more and more difficult to hire top talent. There are fewer job applicants for the average vacancy. There’s a greater likelihood that the ideal candidate will have multiple offers to choose from.


Shrinking the Talent Gap: Supporting Your Biggest Asset

These days, you can’t open a newspaper or read an article online without hearing about the current talent shortage. In 2017, the unemployment rate hit a 17-year low of 4.1% in the fourth quarter.[1] While this is good news for jobseekers, it has created big challenges for businesses that are trying to attract new talent. […]