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New FLSA overtime rule a step closer to reality

The U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) proposed rule greatly expanding the number of workers eligible for overtime pay has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, a necessary step before the rule can be finalized. The new rule is expected to make nearly five million workers lose their exempt status […]

Is Your Training Sufficient for Your Employees' Career Needs?

While 77 percent of survey respondents indicated that training should be a joint responsibility between employer and employee, more than 33 percent said the current training they receive from their employer is not sufficient to meet their career needs in the future, according to the survey by Kelly Services (, a global workforce solutions firm. […]


‘The Mom Project’ Raises Millions to Support Back-to-Work Efforts

In a recent post, we discussed an economic letter written for the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (FRBSF) in which it argued that the gap between U.S. and Canadian policies and structures around support for women working while raising children is the primary contributor to a large gap between the labor participation rate for […]

Online Learning Can Revolutionize Your Safety Training

Online safety training is a dream come true for safety trainers. It provides consistent and up-to-date information, flexibility, evaluation, and systematic documentation—all at a very affordable price. There are many advantages to using this type of self-paced training, including that online training: Allows you to present the same content, in exactly the same way, to […]

gen z

Mental Health Issues More Prevalent Among Gen Z

America’s workforce is increasingly diverse along a number of axes. Companies are leveraging this diversity by putting more and more emphasis on diversity and inclusion initiatives to help boost their bottom lines. But, companies that strive to promote diversity in their workforces need to be aware of the specific needs and expectations of the groups contributing […]

Data Illustrates Extent of Time Spent on Communication Apps

An office cliché from the pre-COVID years is the concept of “watercooler talk,” the idea that employees gather informally around the office in places like the watercooler, coffee machine, or breakroom and make small talk, exchange gossip, or just socialize. With the widespread shift to remote work in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, you […]

Why perform background checks?

Why perform background checks? The primary reason is to protect your employees, clients/customers, suppliers and anyone who interacts with your employees. You have a duty to provide a safe working environment. Done legally, background checks can be an effective screening tool to find relevant information about job candidates. And employers have a duty to provide a safe workplace

Harassment Witnesses—How Many, Which Ones?

In yesterday’s Advisor, attorney Rebecca Speer dissected "he said/she said" investigations. Today we’ll get her take on how many witnesses to interview, and we’ll take a look at a program to help you with your investigation policies (and all your other policies). Deciding whom to interview, and how many people to interview, involves a careful […]

If you don’t have anything nice to say . . .

by Dan Oswald “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” —Abraham Lincoln As a child, whenever my mouth started running in the wrong direction, my mother would say, “If you don’t have anything nice to say about someone, don’t say anything at all.” It’s not […]