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5 Common Human Resources Mistakes to Avoid

Mistakes that happen within an organization’s human resources department have the potential to cost it millions of dollars each year. And while mistakes will inevitably happen regardless of what department you work in, there are certain mistakes that every HR professional should work to avoid altogether.

3 Benefits of a Job Rotation Program

Why should you implement a job rotation program? What results will you have? Perhaps you’re trying to implement a job rotation program and need management buy-in—how does such a program fit into your overall HR strategy? Job rotation programs can impact an organization in a number of ways. Some of the biggest benefits come from […]

Top 2017 Workplace Trends: Employee Diversity, Change Management, and Self-Directed Learning

The past year has undoubtedly been a trying time for our country, and its impact can be felt on both a personal and professional level. Organizations, with urgency, will need to address a growing employee demand for safe, inclusive work environments and opportunities that will allow them to advance on their own terms. Strong leaders are needed now to successfully manage these evolving demands and make the connection to improved results when investment in areas like these are made.


Pros and Cons of Surprise Raises

With low unemployment comes an increasing risk of turnover—and this makes employers weary in times when the economy is growing but not skyrocketing. Employers today are facing these risks and trying to determine how to keep employees happy and motivated—and keep them from job searching in their spare time. Some employers are opting to provide […]


3 Benefits You’ll Need to Offer Post-Pandemic

Have you reevaluated your employee benefits package since social distancing was implemented? It’s likely that your pre-pandemic perks, plans, and promises won’t hold up after COVID-19 passes. You’ll need new, creative benefits to retain talented employees and snag new superstars.


Five Advantages of Employee-Driven Feedback

HR professionals may feel like the sole drivers of performance and development processes, but even though they are responsible for kick-starting continual feedback in the organization, their success is dependent on managers and employees embracing it. When employees feel comfortable sharing, asking for, and receiving performance analyses, notable changes will occur in your company’s operations. […]


Fringe Benefits Affected by the TCJA: Moving and Transportation Expenses

The enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) on December 22, 2017, brought the most sweeping overhaul of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) since 1986. Most of the changes took effect January 1, 2018. This article discusses the TCJA’s impact on employer provided fringe benefits and our insights, based on conversations with employers […]

Physical, Mental, and Environmental Requirements—Dangerous to Ignore

Pinning down physical and environmental requirements for job descriptions is annoying—but it means reduced hassles in hiring, and reduced appearances in court. Even though they seem obvious to you, (and maybe you think they should be obvious to anyone), the requirements need to be in writing on the job description. Deal with the issue up […]