Tag: Baby Boomers


3 Benefits of Offering More Inclusive Paternity Leave

The United States is still one of the only developed nations that doesn’t federally mandate some sort of paternity leave for new fathers or domestic partners. And where new fathers or domestic partners are eligible for paternity leave, it’s usually only available for around 2 weeks and doesn’t provide eligible employees with their full rate […]

How to Market Effectively to Generation Z

Generation Z will make up about 20% of the workforce and 40% of consumers by 2020. Here are 5 key differences between Generation Z and Millennials, and our perspective on how these differences will impact your business

New LinkedIn Research Explores Company Culture

We’ve said it many times, and we’ll say it again: Company culture is a main staple in the recruiting process. In order to attract the talent you want, you have to make the talent want you, and one way to do this is to have a culture that candidates are searching for.

Making Assumptions about Generations

There exists an idea that those who are born of certain generations share similar traits. However, such broad-strokes appraisals of individuals from specific generations is a great way to miss out on a great candidate.

Are You Offering Telecommuting Options to Attract Workers?

Finding top talent to work for your company may be a struggle. However, for companies that offer telecommuting benefits, you’ll have a better chance at attracting and retaining talent. According to 77% of respondents, in a recent Robert Half survey, if a company offers telecommuting options, he or she would be more likely to accept […]

Training Older Workers Part I—Why They're Worth Your Investment

With so much talk about the ascent of Millennials and Generation Z in the workplace, it can be easy to overlook the potential inherent in a company’s older workers. That includes not just Generation X (sorry, Gen Xers, but some of you are getting into your 50s) and Baby Boomers but even the Silent Generation, […]


What to Expect from Millennial Leaders in Coming Years

Millennials (those born between 1981 and 1995) now make up a majority of the workforce, according to Pew Research. And as more Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) retire and Generation X moves up, and Generation Z (those born between 1995 and the early 2000s) starts entering the workforce, Millennials will begin to […]

Workers Want Pension Benefits

A new survey finds pension benefits are a major factor for most workers in North America when deciding to accept a job. What’s more, interest in the benefits is widespread, regardless of age.

The State of the Remote Job Marketplace

Research from job site Indeed finds that “remote/work from home” was the fourth most popular job search term in 2017, up 385 percent from 2016. More workers are looking for remote work, and companies are providing work from home employment opportunities.