Tag: Change


More Workplace Culture Predictions for 2030

In a previous post, we looked at a few workplace culture predictions you should be prepared for by the time 2030 rolls around.


Workplace Culture Predictions for 2030

At the start of a new year, it’s common to make predictions about trends for the coming months. Predictions are based on emerging trends, sociopolitical and market factors, etc. Given that a new year isn’t usually that different from the previous year, these are often safe predictions.


Legal Cannabis Spurs Demand for Certain Skill Sets

Just a few years ago, it would have been almost unheard of for someone to list the ability to grow, identify, or recommend different strains of cannabis as a job qualification, but the times are a changin’!


6 Types of Assessments Your Employees Need

Did you know that 53% of employers admit that they don’t actively track improved employee performance, even though 43% of highly engaged employees receive feedback on their performance at least once a week? And companies that implement regular employee feedback have turnover rates that are 14.9% lower than companies that don’t implement regular feedback.


4 Steps to Take When Outlining Your Training Priorities

Research indicates that ineffective training strategies can cost organizations up to $13.5 million per year per 1,000 employees. What’s more, research also shows that employees want more training opportunities from their employers and that workplace training keeps employees engaged and more productive at work while also retaining them for longer periods of time.