Tag: diversity

Union to pay $6.2 million in historic race and national origin discrimination case

Local 28 of the Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association in New York City (Local 28) will have to pay $6.2 million to a class of black and Hispanic workers. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Local 28 provided them fewer job opportunities because of their race or national origin. The monetary part of […]

Data Points: The Boomers @ 62

• The majority of Baby Boomers who turn 62 in 2008 plan to retire by age 65. • The majority of Baby Boomers who are turning 62 this year have been married only once and have 2.4 children; however, only one in five say their children are living at home with them. • Only 2% […]

From the Editor

Welcome to the first issue of Diversity Insight. The topic of workplace diversity has never been more important than it is right now. Employers across the country are struggling to manage a new workforce that is becoming increasingly diverse and complex. As a result, HR is required to settle differences between ethnic groups, bring peace […]

Spotlight on Millennials: Managing and motivating the iPod workforce

Raised by Boomer parents on a diet of praise and self-esteem, Millennials are the next big thing, and they know it. They show up to work with lots of answers. Hierarchy? Only if it helps us get the work done. Need it yesterday? No problem. Technology? We eat that #@%! for breakfast. Which brings us […]

What to do if an employee objects (loudly) to diversity training

You’re headed for the cafeteria when George (a young, energetic manager with promise) stops you and says, “I hope you don’t expect me to show up for that class about gays tomorrow.” This is news. You didn’t know George had objections to the planned diversity seminar. George registers your surprise and ups the ante. “I […]

Team in Trouble: One word & two cultures = production problems

A team is missing its production deadlines, and a different cultural interpretation of the word “deadline” is the cause. Two experts offer solutions for fixing the problem. The Problem: Don is production manager in a printing company that produces books for major publishers. Five years ago, the company added binding to its services, and Don […]

Lockheed Martin settles race discrimination case for $2.5 million

Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest military contractor, will have to pay former employee Charles Daniels $2.5 million. The African-American electrician was subjected to a racially hostile work environment at several job sites nationwide. This is the largest amount ever obtained by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for a single person in a discrimination case. […]

Relevant statistics for today’s diversity executives

4,901: number of pregnancy discrimination complaints filed with the EEOC in 2006, making it one of the fastest growing types of workplace complaints 99.1 million: amount of sex-based discrimination claims paid to plaintiffs 16: Percentage of female corporate officers at FORTUNE 500 companies 9: Number of female CEOs at FORTUNE 500 companies

Relevant statistics for today’s diversity executives

4,901: number of pregnancy discrimination complaints filed with the EEOC in 2006, making it one of the fastest growing types of workplace complaints 99.1 million: amount of sex-based discrimination claims paid to plaintiffs 16: Percentage of female corporate officers at FORTUNE 500 companies 9: Number of female CEOs at FORTUNE 500 companies