Tag: Employer Branding

How to Motivate Your Employees to Be Content Creators

Yesterday’s post covered why it’s beneficial for your employees to be content creators. Essentially, if your employees are content creators, they will provide a more authentic experience for candidates who use this content to determine what your company culture is like. Here’s what you can do to motivate your employees to take on this new role.

Why You Want Your Employees to Be Content Creators

In the modern age of the Internet and social media, employees are always accessing and sharing content, whether it’s about your organization or not. The average person spends a lot of time on the Internet and social media creating, reading, engaging with, or sharing content, so you should encourage your employees to be content creators for your organization. Continue reading to learn more […]

Welcoming the Next Generation of Talent to the Workforce

With graduation season right around the corner, a new crop of Gen Z students are poised to join the workforce, and companies are fighting harder than ever to hire them. As this generation is quickly becoming one of the largest shares of the American workforce, it is forcing companies to reevaluate their accustomed ways of […]

Should You Hold a Candidate’s Former Employer Against Them?

We hear a lot about negative online employer reviews, especially from an employer-brand standpoint, and how these reviews can hurt your chances at attracting top talent. But what about the jobseekers who come from employers recovering from a prominent scandal? Should recruiters discount them because of where they previously worked?

Majority of Businesses Monitor Online Reviews, Survey Finds

Providing a great company culture is a surefire way to attract top talent. Employers have a variety of ways to highlight their culture, but some jobseekers prefer a one-stop shop—Glassdoor, which offers them a glimpse into your company’s offerings via reviews and information left by current and former employees.

4 Ways to Make Your Company ‘Future-Fit’

According to an old Chinese proverb: “A wise man adapts himself to circumstances, as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it.” And to put it less eloquently—as Business Author Alan Deutschman once said—”Change or die.” As technology continues to advance and improve our daily lives, companies that don’t adapt to the changing times will […]

5 Steps to Take When Implementing a New Company Culture

As we’ve previously reported, when a company fails to take action against unethical behavior, jobseekers are willing to forgo a higher salary and turn to companies that actually remedy these tricky situations. When it comes to unethical behavior, it all boils down to one thing: company culture.

4 Tips for Attracting Talent Through Sustainability Initiatives

Over the last few months, newly elected Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been pushing an agenda to save the planet. Dubbed the “Green New Deal,” this policy aims to drastically cut carbon emissions from industries like electricity generation to transportation to agriculture. Ocasio-Cortez says that this policy will help to create jobs and boost the economy. […]