Tag: HR Daily Advisor Annual Conference

5 Ways to Ease Open Enrollment Stress for Employees

We’re right in the middle of open enrollment season, which can be a confusing and stressful time for your employees as they make their selections for the coming year. Arm them with the right knowledge and tools for a successful open enrollment period and they’ll thank you for it— after all, healthy employees are happy […]


Popular New Benefits Reflect Changing Workforce

In the ongoing battle for benefits supremacy, employers are increasingly offering perks that probably never would have even crossed their minds just a decade ago. As with so many changes in the workplace these days, the shift has been prompted by Millennials, who are drawn by more than the bottom-line salary.


State-of-the-Art Simulation Training Gives Employees Hands-On Experience

Many organizations are turning to virtual simulators to create realistic training scenarios and, in the process, help employees refine their skills and learn best practices. From computerized flight simulators for pilots to simulators that give healthcare professionals opportunities to practice lifesaving skills, the technology is proving to be a great benefit for a wide range […]


If Not You, Who? How to Crack the Code of Employee Disengagement

Employee Engagement … it’s all the rage.  Why?  Well, let’s start with the cold hard fact that per Gallup, 87% of global workers are disengaged.  Basically, this means that the vast majority of people in the world are going to work, sleepwalking though their day, giving companies little to no discretionary effort, and doing what […]


Effective Use of People Analytics Strongly Improves Talent and Business Outcomes

New research by Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Bersin shows that people analytics, the use of employee data to help optimize business and management decisions, is strongly related to improved talent outcomes and an organization’s profitability. In fact, high-maturity organizations, or those using people analytics in a sophisticated and insightful way, report 82% higher 3-year average profit […]


Sexual Harassment: No Surprises in Harvey Weinstein Affair

The public is currently fixated on our business, sexual harassment in employment. Taking center stage is Harvey Weinstein, whose case is straightforward quid pro quo sexual harassment—a powerful employer expecting sex from women he promises to promote. Is that news in the film industry? Hardly.

Sexual Harassment

Why Workplace Harassment Persists—And What Employers Can Do About It

Complaints of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct have dominated the news recently with allegations ranging from sexual threats, to groping, to sexual assault.  While the allegations have made the news because they involve people in the entertainment industry and politics, it’s readily apparent from the thousands of stories shared using #MeToo that sexual violence and […]


Culture is Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year—For Good Reason

Largely due to its tracking of which words were looked up the most, 2 years ago Merriam-Webster announced “Culture” as its Word of the Year.  Chosen at the end of each year, the word serves as a snapshot of what people have been thinking about and talking about for the past 12 months, and what […]