Tag: human resources


5 Best Practices for Mitigating Workplace Stress

According to the American Institute of Stress, workplace stress costs U.S. industries around $300 billion every year and is on the rise as workdays get longer, workers work harder, and job insecurity continues to increase. If you want to mitigate workplace stress at your organization, here are a few best practices to keep in mind.


5 Ways Your Organization Should Be Using LinkedIn Right Now

Since its inception in 2003, LinkedIn has become one of the most widely used social media platforms for businesses and organizations, Human Resources (HR) and learning and development (L&D) professionals, learners, industry thought leaders, and jobseekers. Around 25% of adults in the United States use LinkedIn, and around 106 million people access the site on […]


7 Ways to Improve Your Employees’ Experiences

The research and statistics are in, revealing that employees’ experiences are critical to their engagement levels, productivity, and overall willingness to stay with an organization long term. This makes employees’ experiences critical to the overall success and profitability of an organization.


Taking Advantage of the Gig Economy for Staffing Needs

The emergence of the gig economy has been a boon for many workers. The gig economy is defined by temporary or freelance jobs, typically with the worker employed as a contractor instead of as a traditional employee, who’d be issued an IRS 1040 form at the end of the year.


Is the Gig Economy Actually Shrinking?

The gig economy has been heavily discussed in the media and in employment circles for several years now. Essentially, it involves the less-formal employment or contractor relationships between workers and companies, with workers typically working temporarily for one or multiple employers at a time with greater flexibility and independence.