Tag: leadership


What You Should Really Expect from Recently Promoted Employees

Unfortunately, there isn’t typically one set of tools or metrics you can rely on when evaluating newly promoted employees. How employees should be evaluated once they’re promoted depends on a variety of factors, such as their current skill sets and experience levels, the size of the project or team they’re overseeing and the team’s expertise, […]


The Coaching Conversation and the Story

The human brain is an amazing organ. It comprises the same biological matter as the rest of the body, but remarkably, it somehow gives rise to consciousness and self-awareness. Despite years of research, scientists are still mystified by how it actually does this. Nobody really understands how living cells, sorted and connected in just the […]


The Coaching Conversation and the Story

The human brain is an amazing organ. It comprises the same biological matter as the rest of the body, but remarkably, it somehow gives rise to consciousness and self-awareness. Despite years of research, scientists are still mystified by how it actually does this. Nobody really understands how living cells, sorted and connected in just the […]


Problems Surrounding Leadership Development

A global economy means global competition. It also means complicated transnational economic environments; divergent regulations; and complicated networks of suppliers, customers, and business partners. Perhaps now more than ever, strong leaders are needed to help ensure the success of businesses in an economy that has become increasingly competitive—and increasingly complex.

Is the Daily Grind Hurting Your Employees?

Have you ever tried to run with a rock in your shoe? At first, you tell yourself you can keep going—it’s a small rock, after all, and you’re in the zone. Sooner or later, though, what was a small rock causing mild discomfort will cause real pain. You have no choice but to stop and […]


Army Leadership Lessons: Build a Deep Bench—Develop Leaders 3 Levels Down

Within my first 6 years in the U.S. Army, I had been a member of four different battalions (around 700 soldiers organized into four subunits), been a member of two combat arms branches, evaluated leaders from six different battalions, and been across the world and the United States. Military training had taught me that the […]


Does Your Company Suffer from a Leadership Development Problem?

Businesses—indeed all institutions—need strong leaders. Even the company with the best talent, greatest infrastructure, most lucrative government contacts, etc., will ultimately flounder if it doesn’t have a leader to steer the course and put all those assets to good, productive use.


Leadership Coaching … Touching Hearts?

Our final coaching conversation over coffee quickly turned uncomfortable, at least for me. “I was touched,” said my client. “I was touched in a very special way.” With a quick “thank you” in return, I tried to quickly change the topic to something not so emotionally charged. (My mind raced.… Is he a soccer fan? […]


Leadership Coaching … Touching Hearts?

Our final coaching conversation over coffee quickly turned uncomfortable, at least for me. “I was touched,” said my client. “I was touched in a very special way.” With a quick “thank you” in return, I tried to quickly change the topic to something not so emotionally charged. (My mind raced.… Is he a soccer fan? […]