
What You Can Learn from Tesla’s Customer Service

In a previous post, we discussed the challenge often faced by managers and business owners in teaching customer service skills to entry-level employees.


7 Skills Your Instructors and Trainers Must Have

With blended learning on the rise alongside mobile apps that distract rather than develop employees, it’s important not to underestimate the value of a great trainer or instructor. Below are seven skills highly effective instructors and trainers must have in the modern-day workplace. 


4 Ways Your Leaders Can Be Better in 2019

Leaders and managers of an organization are often ill-prepared for their roles. In fact, according to a Career Builder survey cited in a Forbes article, 58% of managers said they didn’t receive any management training at all.


Not Using AI Yet? Here Are 4 Things You Need to Know

Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly gaining traction across industries and organizations and will soon power  more learning and development (L&D) initiatives. Without AI-enhanced systems, adaptive learning and work inside the modern-day workplace would be impossible.


4 Types of Hands-On Training Your Employees Need in 2019

Online e-learning and mobile learning are still gaining popularity in the workplace, but it’s important to note that workplace learners still prefer hands-on training and on-the-job training opportunities—even more than digital learning experiences. And research continues to show that blended learning is still critical to the modern-day workplace.      


6 Types of Assessments Your Employees Need

Did you know that 53% of employers admit that they don’t actively track improved employee performance, even though 43% of highly engaged employees receive feedback on their performance at least once a week? And companies that implement regular employee feedback have turnover rates that are 14.9% lower than companies that don’t implement regular feedback.