Tag: learning


Harnessing the Power of Immersive Learning for Employee Retention

High employee churn rates are a major pain point for many HR professionals as businesses and workplaces enter into a big season of change. High churn rates were already a concern due to financial implications (replacement costs typically range from one-half to two times an employee’s annual salary) and their known detrimental effects on operational […]


2020 College Grads: A Great Source of Innovative and Committed Talent

A whole new class of college students has just graduated in one of the most chaotic and uncertain times in recent memory. As unemployment rockets to depression-era heights, this class will have serious challenges when it comes to being employed. It’s important for employers not to dismiss this valuable source of talent.


COVID-19 and the ‘New Normal’ of Training

With months of experience in working from home under their belts, both employers and their employees have been feeling the impacts in the short term. But what impacts should they anticipate in the long term from a training and development standpoint?


Advanced Technologies Creating New Opportunities in Training

Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), and sophisticated analytics are offering training and development professionals new opportunities for delivering personalized training that continues to incorporate methods known to improve the learner experience, according to CompTIA’s “Workforce and Learning Trends 2020” report.


What the Pandemic Can Teach Us About Digital Learning

As more business activity transitions to the digital world, training and development are common areas of focus for many companies of all sizes. Advances in telecommunications technology mean that companies can work efficiently with geographically distributed staff like never before.


The Training Gap—Desire vs. Ability

Corporate training is a core priority among C-suites across the globe, says Claudio Erba, CEO of Docebo, a training organization that recently went public. And yet, a significant gap exists in terms of organizations’ belief that they have the resources necessary to provide that training.


3 Tips to Help Your Team Prepare for the ‘New World of Work’

Many people have been talking about a “new world of work” for a long time. However, the current public health situation and labor market crisis are not what anyone had in mind. The sudden work-from-home mandates, refocusing of priorities, and adjustments to time management are startling for everyone, to say the least.


Training Employees to Effectively Work from Home

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has forced three-quarters of U.S. states to issue stay-at-home orders, impacting nearly 300 million Americans, as of early April. While many states have certain exemptions that allow “essential” businesses to stay up and running, thousands of companies across the country have shifted the majority of their staffs to remote work, […]


Training Trends Impacting Managers at Every Level

Employees’ direct supervisors and managers have a significant impact on their ability to be engaged and productive. All too often, though, these leaders are not trained and ready to manage effectively. Therefore, management training remains a critical investment area for learning and development (L&D) professionals.