Tag: learning


The Shortcomings of Video Training

One of the most fundamental conflicts in the world of employee training is the balance between cost and effectiveness. While companies certainly want to implement successful training programs that will reliably and effectively impart essential knowledge and skills to employees, they also obviously want to avoid breaking the bank on training.


Training: A Look at Some Top Companies and Best Practices

Businesses in the United States compete in a top-notch, knowledge-based economy against both domestic and global rivals. For the most part, competitive advantage is based not on having the best machinery, the most productive land, or the greatest access to natural resources but on having the best people: the smartest, the most driven, the most […]


Why Mistakes Are Great Training Opportunities

Anytime a real-world example can be provided to trainees, companies should try to find a way to leverage it to reinforce training and highlight key principles, policies, or concepts. But mistakes, in particular, can be valuable examples for several reasons.


The Ins and Outs of Challenge-Based Learning

Many organizations like Boeing and Apple already rely on challenge-based learning to train and develop their workforces. And with the steady pace of advanced technological innovation and automation in the workplace, other organizations are also beginning to implement this type of learning for their employees.


8 Ways to Engage Employees in Workforce Development Processes

It’s hard enough finding new employees with the potential to excel in an organization’s work environment. But on top of the basic recruitment, employees also need to be trained and kept engaged to ensure they can perform to their full ability—and that they will remain productive.


Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Employees Engaged

According to Gallup research, only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work, and just 33% of employed residents in the United States are engaged. So, it’s no wonder that organizations of all shapes and sizes are becoming more preoccupied with keeping their employees engaged in the modern-day workforce.


5 Tangible Ways to Build a Talent Pipeline for Your Cross-Training Initiatives

Cross-training employees is a great and more cost-effective way to upskill your current workforce, as well as keep your workers engaged and more likely to remain at your organization long term. But how should HR and learning and development (L&D) professionals go about building their pipelines for their cross-training programs and initiatives?