Tag: Strategy

Why Leadership Development Needs to be a Long-Term Business Imperative

By Josh Bersin Weak leadership can cost a company in many ways—alienate employees, reduce performance, erode trust among stakeholders, and stifle innovation. In fact, the quality of leadership is so important that analysts place a 15% spread on stock price based on company leadership.

Tech Companies Ahead of the Curve on Paid Leave

By Susan Schoenfeld, JD In technology, innovation is the key to economic survival. So it is not surprising that, recently, two tech industry giants announced innovation in paid leave benefits for their employees as a means of attracting and retaining top talent.

CareerBuilder Looks at How Career Expectations Differ Between Generations

Are you more ambitious than a 12th grader? They may not be in the workforce as adults just yet, but as the next generation of workers, high school seniors have already formed solid opinions around life in the working world. A new CareerBuilder survey looks at how the next generation of workers compare to America’s […]

Tech Companies Ahead of the Curve on Paid Leave

By Susan Schoenfeld, JD In technology, innovation is the key to economic survival. So it is not surprising that, recently, two tech industry giants announced innovation in paid leave benefits for their employees as a means of attracting and retaining top talent.


Workers Actively Seeking Jobs Declines Significantly, According to New Report

With the U.S. unemployment rate standing at 5.1%—its lowest level since 2008—conventional wisdom suggests that workers would be aggressively pursuing new employment opportunities. However, a new “Global Talent Monitor” report released by CEB (a best practice insight and technology company), announced recently in a press release, indicates that the number of U.S. employed workers actively […]