Tag: workplace


The Message in the Medium: Lessons Learned from Google

For years, Google has been playing with fire by encouraging employees to post almost anything on its internal message boards. The company, known as the portal for any inquiry imaginable, brought its open search philosophy in-house, encouraging robust employee discussion on almost any topic, without fear of retaliation.


Nashville Trump Supporter Fired Over Facebook Post Wins Trial

Government employees enjoy more protection than employees of private-sector companies when it comes to speaking their minds about politics or other matters of public concern outside the workplace. A public employee may not be fired or disciplined for engaging in “constitutionally protected” speech.


What Is Activity-Based Work?

Activity-based work environments are beginning to gain real traction inside the modern-day workplace, along with more agile workforces. But what exactly is activity-based work?


The Plight of the Older Worker: Now Is the Time to Eradicate Ageism in the Workplace

Ageism is conscious and unconscious prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination against people solely based on their age. Although the term is not new—it was coined in 1969 by Robert Neil Butler—its effects are being felt in the workplace more strongly today than ever. As people live longer and stay in the workforce longer, the issue of […]


5 Warning Signs That an Employee Is Disengaged

Employee engagement inside the workplace is one of the hottest topics in HR and learning and development (L&D) these days because engaged employees save their organizations money, as well as earn them more money. Yet according to one Gallup poll, only 34% of employees in the United States are engaged at work.


Why Your Employees Need to Boost Their Language Skills Right Now

Training employees in soft skills—including communications-based skills—boosts productivity and retention levels by 12% and delivers a 250% return on investment based on higher productivity and retention. And studies have also concluded that language-based skills are particularly better for employees inside the workplace. Keep reading to learn more about why.


‘Go Back to Where You Came from’: Employer Liability When Workers Say Xenophobic Things

President Donald Trump’s recent Tweet suggesting that four Democratic congresswomen should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came” has sparked robust debate across the country. So what happens when an employee tells a coworker something to the effect of “go back to where you came from”?


Understanding Neurodiversity in the Workplace

While many organizations have pledged to be more inclusive and diverse, and 2019 has experienced all-time historic lows for national unemployment rates in the United States, 85% of college grads who fall on the autism spectrum are still unemployed.


Everybody Talks About Sex—but Can Employers Be Held Liable?

Imagine this: Two individuals start a job at the same time. Quickly, management recognizes one employee’s hard work and dedication and promotes her. In a short time, the employee ascending the corporate ladder becomes the superior of the employee with whom she had onboarded. The nonpromoted employee becomes jealous and resentful. To this employee, there […]