Benefits and Compensation

Recruiting and Retention—What’s Really Happening?

Recruiting and retention—nothing is more important for any company. What’s happening with recruiting and retention in the real world? What are your competitors up to? Help us find out!

Please participate in our brief survey and see how what you are doing stacks up against what other successful companies are doing.

We’ll get answers to these questions and more:

  • Which sources do you use for recruiting?
  • Is your organization open to negotiating salary for initial job offers?
  • What strategy is most effective when it comes to retaining employees?
  • What are the biggest pros and cons of online recruiting?

Participate in this brief survey and see how the training programs your company offers stack up against those of other successful companies.

The survey takes only a few minutes to complete.

Complete the Survey Now, now thoroughly revved with easier navigation and more complete compensation information, will tell you what’s being paid right in your state–or even metropolitan area–for hundreds of jobs. Try it at no cost and get a complimentary special report. Read More.

To show our appreciation we’ll send a PDF of the survey results to all participants. (Be sure to include your contact information where prompted.)

No individual organization’s information will be shared. Only results in the aggregate will be sent to participants or used by BLR for articles or in any other form of distribution.

More and more, engagement and retention are the watchwords of HR and compensation, and training and development are major factors. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey—and make sure you’re competitive.

Complete the Survey Now

Try BLR’s all-in-one compensation website,®, and get a complimentary special report, Top 100 FLSA Overtime Q&As, no matter what you decide.   Find out more.

Thank you for your valued input.

Dan Oswald

Upcoming 2014 BLR surveys include:

  • Policies
  • Your HR Department
  • Employee Leave

Complete the Survey Now

1 thought on “Recruiting and Retention—What’s Really Happening?”

  1. Looking forward to the results. It’ll be interesting if and how employers are changing their tactics in an improving job market.

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