Month: July 2016

Pay Practices for ‘Hot Jobs’ Critical to Your Organization

By Chris Ceplenski, Managing Editor, News ‘Hot jobs’ is a term HR professionals are certainly familiar with, but what does it really mean? And how can you determine whether these hot jobs are a critical to your organization? Finally, what kinds of rewards or compensation should you be giving those employees in hot jobs who […]

Techniques for Handling Resistant Learners

In yesterday’s Advisor,’s Laura Arellano, CPLP, invited training professionals to “be their resistors” and to understand the brain of resistant learners. Today, Arellano provides insight on the roots of resistance and steps for dealing with it in your training.

Every single employee is essential to your success

by Dan Oswald “Will it really make a difference?” “Will anyone care whether I do it or not?” “Who would notice if I didn’t show up?” These are questions that aren’t unfamiliar in the hallways and break rooms of our businesses. They are being whispered (or screamed in frustration) by employees who are questioning the […]

New Massachusetts law to expand transgender protection

by Stefanie M. Renaud Massachusetts law has prohibited discrimination against transgender people in employment and housing since 2011, but a new law taking effect on October 1 will expand transgender protections to places of public accommodation. On July 8, Governor Charles Baker signed into law a bill that prohibits discrimination against persons because of their […]

Business Travel and the Zika Virus

By Catherine Morton Gray, JD, BLR Senior Managing Editor The World Health Organization (WHO) recently declared the Zika virus a “public health emergency of international concern.” According to WHO, the virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and is linked to a spike in birth defects in cases where the mother contracted the virus during pregnancy. Also, […]

Transformation in the Very Nature of Employment

By Bruce Tulgan, founder and CEO of RainmakerThinking The worldwide business environment has become one of fierce competition, high risk, erratic markets, constrained resources, and unpredictable resource needs. Organizations and individuals are forced to adjust to the new normal of constant change and uncertainty. Employers of all shapes and sizes are constantly trying to become […]

Hiring New College Grads? Prepare To Disappoint

iCIMS, Inc., a provider of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) talent acquisition solutions, has just released a new report revealing that newly minted college grads’ job expectations differ wildly from what the working world actually has in store for them.