
What Not to Do When Using AI for L&D

There’s no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) will have a significant impact on the learning and development (L&D) industry for many years to come. However, as you navigate how to effectively utilize AI at your organization for your L&D initiatives, here are a few things you’ll want to make sure you don’t do.


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Forget About Human Intelligence

While AI technology helps automate a lot of routine and tedious tasks, it still must be programmed and monitored by humans—and, therefore, still requires a lot of human intelligence.
Your L&D staff will still have to make sure that it is programmed properly to carry out its initiatives and that it is continually performing at the highest of standards and necessary parameters.
For more clarification on this point, read “Understanding the Limitations of AI for L&D Professionals.”

Fail to Conduct Regular Audits

It is imperative that you are constantly testing your L&D AI-enhanced technology and how it performs as an L&D professional. You’ll want to make sure that it is collecting the right learner data and storing learner data in the right place and that it truly is accentuating your learners’ experiences in a more personalized and efficient way.
You’ll also want to conduct regular audits of your AI and the content and experiences it distributes and tracks. Otherwise, you may end up with an onslaught of unusable or lost learner data, as well as unsatisfied or disengaged learners.

Ignore Your Learners

Your AI-enhanced L&D technology should help expedite tedious administrative tasks for your L&D team. Yet it should still be offering your learners relevant, engaging, and personalized learning experiences. So, it’s imperative that you always consider your learners and what they think as they encounter automated content or experiences and whether they’re beneficial or effective. If you ignore your learners and what’s truly valuable to them, your AI will never be as valuable as it could be.

Neglect Your Blended Learning Offerings

Although AI-enhanced L&D platforms help augment your learners’ online and mobile experiences, they should also connect with and incorporate content and experiences from your blended offerings and courses.
For more details, read “Why Blended Learning Is on the Rise in the Modern-Day Workplace” and “6 Tips for Effective Blended Learning.”  

Omit Your Organization’s Goals

No technology you use will be able to enhance your L&D initiatives and offerings if they don’t also recognize and embody your organization’s goals. So, as you implement your AI-enhanced L&D technology, be sure to simultaneously consider your organization’s objectives and goals (i.e., promoting a learning culture, increasing sales, providing more robust leadership training, etc.).
As you implement your AI-enhanced L&D technology, be sure to keep in mind the information parsed above to ensure that it remains successful and beneficial to your organization.

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