Learning & Development

Data, More Flexibility and Transparency Will Shape HR in 2023

This year, we should expect the HR field to make further use of data to make informed decisions around the growing remote/hybrid workforce. In this dynamic landscape, HR professionals should stay informed on the latest issues and best practices in order to effectively support their organizations and the needs of their employees. If they do this, it will push them in the direction of a “people first” approach that will benefit both sides in 2023.

Here are a few of the top HR trends and predictions I foresee in the field for the coming year:

Trend #1: Leveraging Data in Human Resources

Data in HR is poised to be even bigger in 2023. This year, we will continue to see the trend of data to drive important HR decisions. Data plays a significant role in the HR field, as it allows HR professionals to make informed decisions about various aspects of an organization’s workforce. HR professionals use data to identify trends and patterns in employee behavior, performance, and engagement, as well as to assess the effectiveness of HR policies and programs.

Overall, the use of data in the HR field allows organizations to make data-driven decisions that can improve the effectiveness of HR policies and practices and, ultimately, the performance and well-being of their employees.

Trend #2: More Flexible Opportunities for Employees

As the economic climate shifts, we may see a rise in part-time and job-sharing positions. This presents an opportunity for employers to invest in employees who may have been overlooked in the past, as well as for workers who have taken time off for personal or family reasons to reenter the workforce and explore new opportunities.

Job sharing is a work arrangement in which two or more employees divide the responsibilities and duties of a full-time job between them. This type of arrangement can have several benefits for both the employees and the organization.

One benefit of job sharing for employees is that it allows them to have a better work/life balance. By sharing the responsibilities of a full-time job, employees may have more time to devote to other personal or professional pursuits, such as caring for children or aging parents or pursuing additional education or training.

Job sharing can be a valuable option for organizations, as well, as it allows for a more flexible and balanced work arrangement that can lead to increased productivity and improved retention of top-tier talent.

Trend #3: More Transparency From Employers

Additionally, it is likely we will see an increase in unionization among workers. This trend may be driven by a desire for greater respect, dignity, and transparency from management. In order to create a workforce that is engaged and committed, it is important for leadership to remember the value of treating employees with respect and dignity. By doing so, they can foster a culture of trust and collaboration that promotes productivity and success.

By actively seeking input and feedback from employees, providing fair and competitive compensation, fostering a positive and inclusive work environment, addressing issues and concerns promptly, and offering training and development opportunities, employers can improve working conditions and reduce the likelihood that employees will feel the need to unionize.

In all, the HR field will continue to evolve in 2023 as organizations and employees navigate an increasingly complex and changing landscape. By staying informed and proactive in addressing these topics, HR professionals can help their organizations and employees thrive throughout this year.

Erin Dertouzos currently serves as the Chief People Officer at StrongDM, where she applies over 15 years of experience in recruitment strategy and culture development. Dertouzos believes recruitment is all about having the right people in the right roles at the right time and that leaders are responsible for creating a North Star with clear goals. By removing barriers that exist, offering quick and actionable feedback, and ensuring teams have appropriate resources, magic can happen.

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