This exercise is applicable for all employees and comes from one of BLR’s popular HR Training Presentations in PowerPoint® sessions on “Healthy Aging.” The objective of the exercise is to find out how well trainees are meeting the requirements of healthy aging.
Instructions: Have trainees complete the worksheet below. (Let them know that this is a voluntary exercise.) Then discuss (we’ll give detailed discussion points in tomorrow’s Advisor) the results as a group. (Let trainees know that they don’t have to share all their answers and that confidentiality of medical information will always be maintained.) Answer any questions.
1. Describe the steps you’re taking to ensure proper nutrition.
2. Describe your weekly physical activity schedule.
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3. When was the last time you went to the doctor for a physical exam? When was your last visit to the dentist? The eye doctor? Have you ever had your hearing checked?
4. Which medications do you take (if any), and how do you think they’re helping you keep healthy and improve your chances of healthy aging? (Include any vitamin or mineral supplements you take regularly.)
5. Do you smoke? Drink alcohol? How do you think these habits will contribute to or undermine healthy aging?
BLR’s complete training session, “Healthy Aging,” contains a PowerPoint session with slideshow notes, a trainer’s guide, handout, exercises, and quiz.
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In tomorrow’s Advisor, we’ll go over discussion points for each question, and we’ll look at a powerful HR training resource in PowerPoint.