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Hiring Foreign Talent 101

Oftentimes HR professionals are prepared to handle payroll, recruiting, onboarding, and even internal company disputes, yet many are not trained to take the lead on foreign talent recruiting and management. But that’s becoming a part of the job description for HR professionals as more and more companies are looking to fill the skills gap by […]

Dredging: the invisible—but critical—task of all managers

by Dan Oswald When I was a little boy, I had a book that was filled with pictures of heavy equipment. Like many boys, I was fascinated by the large bulldozers, cranes, and trucks. There was one piece of equipment that intrigued me because I had never seen anything like it. It was a grab […]

Making the Most of Personality Tests

One of the toughest decisions an HR professional has to make is who to hire. You probably have at least one story of a candidate who aced the interview and had great credentials but bombed in whatever job he or she was hired to perform. Hiring decisions can be stressful not just from an economics […]

The 4 ‘C’s of Employee Benefits Technology

By Gerry Leonard, President, ADP® Benefits Services As employers increase their investment in benefits technology, HR leaders may want to look at workplace benefits and related technology through the prism of the four ‘C’s: Consumerism, Compliance, Cost and Culture.

Best of SBT: Animals in the Workplace

Sticking with this week’s animal-themed direction, we’ve gathered a few of the most popular SBTs featuring two-, four-, and eight-legged friends. Monkey Business—Monkeys have been useful in maintaining order.  The first example was a langur monkey that was charged with patrolling trains for the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, in India.  The langur—who had a handler […]

The Demanding Job of the Middle Manager

For many workers, getting promoted to a management position is a major career goal, but those first and second levels of management between frontline workers and the brass at the top—also known as “middle management”—aren’t necessarily all they’re cracked up to be. Middle managers are often caught between the demands of their subordinates and the […]