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Pay Parity Leads to a Better Workplace Culture, Finds New Survey

As we know, jobseekers are looking to work for companies that offer a positive workplace culture, or one that aligns with the jobseekers’ beliefs. For companies that offer employees equal pay, it helps boost the overall brand and can result in a better workplace culture.

Former POW Shares 8 Leadership Lessons for Today’s Managers

In Leading with Honor: Leadership Lessons from the Hanoi Hilton, Ellis shares what he learned about leadership from his time as a POW. It’s a powerful read, as Ellis relays stories from his days in the Hanoi Hilton and how the leadership demonstrated by his fellow prisoners often meant the difference between life and death. […]

Transformation in the Very Nature of Employment

By Bruce Tulgan, founder and CEO of RainmakerThinking The worldwide business environment has become one of fierce competition, high risk, erratic markets, constrained resources, and unpredictable resource needs. Organizations and individuals are forced to adjust to the new normal of constant change and uncertainty. Employers of all shapes and sizes are constantly trying to become […]

Retain Top Talent with Employee Recognition Programs

If you’re one of the many employers across the country who struggle to recruit top talent, you may want to look at your rewards and recognition programs to see if you can retain your current workforce. As we know, it can be pretty expensive to replace these workers and even more so in a tight labor market.

FRD—Not Law, but Courts and EEOC Think It Is

In yesterday’s Advisor, we featured attorney Joseph L. Beachboard’s take on association discrimination; today, the third prong, Family Responsibility Discrimination (FRD), plus his tips for reducing liability and an introduction to a unique checklist-based audit system. What Family Responsibilities Discrimination Is Not … Family discrimination is not a new protected category, says Beachboard, who is […]

Applicants for Trip to Mars in for Dead-End Job?

According to BBC News, Mars One, a Dutch organization, is seeking adventurous applicants to work on a trip to the Red Planet. Those who apply must be “resilient, adaptable, resourceful, and work well within a team” One hitch—the trip is one way! Applicants must pass a rigorous physical and mental selection process—think The Right Stuff. […]

Impractical Jokes

Time magazine is running a feature about The Office and NBC’s invitation for viewers to send in photos of hijinks in their own workspaces, like those often featured on the show. Some of the pranks featured on the show have been hilarious. From simple things like Jim enveloping Dwight’s stapler in Jello, to more complicated things like […]