Tag: artificial intelligence

How to Use Neuroscience to Hire the Best Job Candidates

At the end of the day, you can only tell so much from someone’s credentials. You need to understand how the person thinks—and how you think. Surprisingly enough, neuroscience can be a great help in that regard. After all, the more we know about and understand the human brain, the better equipped we will be to optimize our talent acquisition process.

Tech Leaders Report Urgent Hiring Needs for 2019

As technology keeps evolving over time, so does the need to have talent to support this evolution. As we’ve seen with many industries over the past year, there is a shortage of skilled talent and this is especially true for the technology industry.


2018 Workplace Flexibility Trends and 2 Predictions for 2019

We’ve seen the importance workplace flexibility has on attracting and retaining workers, but to drive this point further home, here are the top five flexibility trends uncovered by FlexJobs in 2018. FlexJobs also provides two predictions about workplace flexibility in 2019, that employers and recruiters should keep in mind.


How to Use Chatbots for Learning and Development

In the new year and beyond, you’ll start to see chatbots being used for more and more things across various industries. And once you’ve read “3 Reasons Why L&D and HR Pros Should Use Chatbots,” you’ll want to start using them right away. But how? Keep reading for more information.  


3 Reasons Why L&D and HR Pros Should Use Chatbots

According to one Gartner report, by 2021, chatbots will take over, with more than 50% of enterprises spending more per annum on bots and chatbot creation than traditional mobile app development. And this is especially the case for competitive learning and development (L&D) and Human Resources (HR) departments, which will rely heavily on chatbots.


How ‘Third-Wave’ AI Will Impact Businesses

Artificial intelligence (AI) has changed our world in a number of ways that we often don’t realize. The impacts range from personal assistants, like Alexa or Siri, or personalized ads that come our way based on our shopping and browsing habits to changes in the way businesses are run, including the obsolescence of certain job […]


3 Best Practices for Using Deep Learning AI

Yesterday’s post detailed what deep-learning artificial intelligence (AI) is, as well as its benefits and drawbacks for learning and development (L&D) professionals. Today’s post will cover more information about how you can implement deep-learning AI and upcoming trends.


The Pros and Cons of Implementing Deep-Learning AI

The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for global sending via artificial intelligence (AI) will be 50.1%, reaching $57.6 billion by 2021. And the three most in-demand AI-related skills are currently machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. Additionally, the deep learning market, which is a subset of […]


Amazon Go Stores Show Future of Automation

Fears of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation taking people’s jobs are increasingly common as new technologies emerge that seem to make many aspects of certain jobs—especially routine, low-skilled labor jobs—potentially obsolete. We’ve written a lot about how these fears are often overblown.