Tag: candidates


Tips for Effectively Vetting College Graduates

In 2017, 74% of employers claimed that they were going to hire recent college graduates. And you can expect this to remain a trend in 2018, too, as competition to acquire new and progressive talent will continue in coming years.

New Technology Now Helps Recruiters Reconnect with Former Applicants

While low unemployment numbers represents great news for job applicants, it creates a challenging scenario for many employers struggling to fill key positions with qualified candidates. While employers spent years awash with desperate applicants, many may now be wishing they could only be reconnected with some of the potential hires they turned away not that […]

Wake Up! Tips for Avoiding a 'Hiring Snooze'

We’ve all heard the common saying “You snooze, you lose.” Put another way, if you don’t pay attention and do something right away, someone else will do it before you can and enjoy the benefit. Taking too long to complete the hiring process can have the same effect.

Candidates with Great Technical Skills Will be Your Purple Squirrel Over the Next 5 Years

If you’re unfamiliar with the term “purple squirrel,” it’s basically a phrase used to describe a job candidate with precisely the right education, experience, and range of qualifications who perfectly fits a job’s requirements. Over the next few years, as technology continues to evolve the way we work, the need for technical skills is going […]

New LinkedIn Research Explores Company Culture

We’ve said it many times, and we’ll say it again: Company culture is a main staple in the recruiting process. In order to attract the talent you want, you have to make the talent want you, and one way to do this is to have a culture that candidates are searching for.

Hard to Fill Roles: Tips for Recruiting Creative Talent

Everything these days is web-based, from online shopping to chat-bot-doctors and everywhere in between. We’re an interconnected world and because of this, we need more and more creative tech talent to help build websites, mobile apps, and more to help keep the Internet of Things running smoothly. However, many employers are saying it’s a struggle […]