Tag: Corporate Culture

Great Candidate Experience Starts with the Candidate Journey

According to Gail Houston and Leslie Mason—Executive Recruiters for Intuit—who recently presented the session Experience is Everything: How to Treat Candidates Like Customers to Close the Deal at RecruitCon 2018 in Nashville, the candidate experience starts the minute a potential candidate first hears about your company.

How to Handle Tough Topics During the Hiring Process

From Google to Uber and everywhere in between, company scandals have been filling the headlines lately. As a result, jobseekers are more concerned about a company’s values. They want to work for an employer that aligns with what they believe is just and right.

64% of Companies Offer Telecommuting as a Way to Recruit Talent

In a recent survey, released by Randstad North America, 82% of workers said having the ability to work anywhere at any time allows them to maintain a healthy work/life balance and according to a new study, over half (64%) of employers now offer this work arrangement when recruiting new talent.

How Diverse Is Your Workplace? Your Employees Know

Diversity and inclusion are increasingly being viewed with a sense of importance by businesses, and the reasons are not purely altruistic. They are practical and focused on the bottom line. In a previous post, we discussed how diversity and inclusion can contribute to the bottom line by helping organizations understand and connect with the increasingly […]


Tips for Becoming a Best Place to Work from a Best Place to Work Company

When you hear the term “Best Place to Work,” what companies come to mind? Does your company make that list? If not, you may want to reconsider your corporate culture in order to attract top talent who are looking to work at Best Place to Work companies.


Corporate Alumni Programs Fare Better When Recruiting Isn’t the Sole Focus

In a recent Recruiting Daily Advisor article, Paula Santonocito uncovered the untapped talent pool that corporate alumni programs can offer. While corporate alumni programs are a great way to recruit talent, the programs work better when the focus isn’t solely on recruiting, according to a new survey released by EnterpriseAlumni—a corporate alumni platform.

Who Is Responsible for Company Culture?

Nike has been in the news lately, for issues related to corporate culture—and the news has not been positive. Allegations of rampant sexism suggest a culture in need of repair and a brand that requires damage control.


RecruitCon 2018 Recap: Outlook on the 2025 Workplace (Part 2)

In yesterday’s article, I discussed Susan Vitale’s RecruitCon 2018 session on the Outlook on the 2025 Workplace: How to Attract the Next Generation of Talent by Effectively Recruiting Millennials and Gen Z. In this article, I’ll focus on the consumer mindset to the recruiting process and how you can ensure your candidates get a good experience.