Tag: Data Analytics


Leveraging Data without Leaving Humans Behind

In a recent “Faces of HR” column, we heard from Dr. Sanja Licina, Future of Organizations Lead at Globant, about juggling empathy as an HR professional. We also discussed using data and leveraging technology to better understand the workforce.


5 L&D and Training Programs the Successful Modern Workplace Has

Organizations must invest in the right high-quality learning and development (L&D) and training programs to remain competitive and innovative in 2019 and beyond, especially as research continually demonstrates that high-quality L&D and training programs lead to higher employee retention rates, highly engaged and productive employees, and a much higher bottom line.


Using Data to Deliver on the Promise of D&I

Diversity is now a business imperative, so much so that almost half of all companies on the S&P 500 index have a chief diversity officer (CDO) or an equivalent, according to a recent Russell Reynolds report. And this is for good reason—the benefits of diversity and inclusion (D&I) extend far beyond improving public perception and […]

Three Steps to Utilizing Data Analytics to Inform HR Strategy and Shape Culture

HR leaders have access to a mountain of impactful data-driven insights and according to the Paychex Pulse of HR Survey, most (83%) rely on such analytics to make more informed decisions. However, having access to data is very different than leveraging it to gain meaningful insights to formulate a competitive HR strategy. Developing and executing […]

3 Ways to Leverage Your People Data in 2019

Intuition—a mental “shortcut”—is the result of two hardwired processes (pattern recognition and emotional tagging), which frequently lead to cognitive errors. As a result of “going with your gut,” even the best, most experienced business leaders can make poor judgment calls about individuals.